I have tried Gary's CRM software....

Yes, that's now! But what if Gary's marketing (with your endorsement) brings 50 other agents in the Odenton MD area into the system such that every business owner gets those 5 insurance calls a day, day after day. And because the system is so good, all the aluminum siding guys get Gary's system. And then the Pre-Paid Legal guys get it. And then the merchant card guys get it. Sooner than you think, the small business folks on any list (Go-Leads, ReferenceUSA, D&B, etc.) will be deluged with phone spam. They are going to petition their state legislators to pass some kind of law similar to the fax statutes. Why you don't see this, I don't understand... because you are usually one of the more perceptive people on this board.


That's not going to happen. Business owners already get inundated with B2B people and some telemarketers as well. It's the price of doing business. Consumers do not think like business people and one of the downfalls in the drop of business is directly related to the DNC regulations. Great...more government involvement. I'm sure the post office obtained more business though!

The only thing I see happening is having stricter restrictions on businesses who continue to telemarket w/out respecting the owners wish to be removed from the list. I call A LOT of people and I rarely hear a business owner tell me to take them off my list. Then again, I have a different approach and don't push to the point of pissing off people. I did run into angry people when I was with MEGA and used their scripts. Time and experience has shown me how I have to monitor my "dialer health" to ensure I keep on dialing.

There are many people telemarketing and this is evident by surveys I've conducted, as well as discussions with other agents. I rather focus my energy on things I have direct control over NOW vs. pondering "what-if" scenarios I know will paralyze my productivity. That's not directly towards you Al, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

I'd love to compete with some of the more ethical agents on this board to see who was victorious. I've gotten my ass handed to me at times by senior agents (in a different state though), but I have also won.

Right now I'm getting ready to telemarket Rick's community so that should be fun :)
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Forum members who have questions:
Marketing Campaign Solutions has a lot of members who are clients on this forum appreciate all the input regarding our systems. Is you have questions regarding what our systems do and dont do, cost, lines etc...
Just shoot me an email or call me personally. I will not only show you through a webinar (LIVE), but also give you a couple days for free to show you the power of prospecting this way. I can discuss price and answer any questions you might have at that point.
Here is Company contact info and personal contact info:
Gary Prado
Flash Intro Page
Email: [email protected]
office: 800-660-6863
cell: 912-596-8417

Ok. I have asked in another post and I will try again. I know there are a number of us on this forum who would like to know more about your program. Personally, I prefer to read answers to my questions, rather than play phone tag and/or take time from my schedule during the day to have a discussion about how your system works and the tech specs.

From what I have picked up reading the forum the user calls into your system and uses your list. So I guess I would need unlimited long-distance.

So please answer the following on this forum:

1. What do I need to install, hardware and software, on my computer?

2. Do I need a sound card in my computer?

3. Can I supply my own list?

4. In order to hear the person I'm calling say hello, do I need to be in a mode where I'm also listening to answering machines?

5. Can I set up the program for a prerecorded message when the call is answered by voice mail? If I operate in such a mode, will it create a delay in my responding to a live answer?

6. What about dropped calls? If they have caller ID will they see my number? Who is responsible for FTC/FCC reporting?

Thank you in advance for answering here. This is how I buy.
thank you for the fast response ,dialing for $ still works for me ...but the time for response is killing the day
because I know how many agents are actually willing to telemarket, I have no such fears.

I also tout BtoB and still do it. Wouldn't I worry that other Odenton agents would put flyers in local business. How PO'd would local biz owners be in 8 different agents walked in with health insurance flyers?

B2B takes effort. Using a dialer does NOT. You just sit there and wait for someone to answer... or best case you get call-backs from messages left.

If the dialer is as successful as you say it is, don't you think every Mega agent on the planet is going to get it? Your argument is that agents don't telemarket because it is slow and tedious. Well its NOT with the dialer... as your own blog has stated. John you are the poster child for how great this system is (and I have no reason to doubt you.)

Well, my guess is that as word gets out that this thing is a slam-dunk lead generator that everyone is going to get one (maybe Gary's, maybe some other.) And you don't have to be a Ph.D in quantum physics to do the math here. Businesses will be inundated with phone solicitations... over and over and over. A hundred different guys (not all insurance agents... but anyone) calling one zip code could tie up the phones to some businesses for a whole day, if not more.

If it WORKS it is going to be tried. The more it works, the more people are going to try it... until the the phone lines are saturated with dialer calls... and then the legislation will start.... just like it did with broadcast fax.

So if you are going to use a dialer, I suggest you jump on the wagon now, and avoid the crowd that is sure to follow. When you can get leads by sitting in your underwear with your feet up on the desk just waiting for a pick-up, you can bet you won't be the only agent who sees the value in such a system.

I know you guys are by nature optimistic and you have a "never happen" attitude (i.e. national healthcare). But get real. If this dialer thing is THAT GOOD, it will become THAT POPULAR. It will make phone spam cheap and easy... so of course it will be used. Thinking it won't is nothing more than a wishful fantasy.

I own this one and am registered as a business in my state. I probably get 4 or 5 calls a year. Actually I think there's a lot more BtoB out there for biz owners. I didn't owe it, but ran a marketing company and we had a store front location. I was amazed with how many people came in off the street to sell me a wide variety of things.
In my opinion, it's not the hassle of picking up the phone that keeps people from making the calls with consistency, it's the fear of rejection and the dialer doesn't cure that. Like someone else already posted, this concept isn't new, telemarketing centers have used it for years. It's just new to us as small independent agents.
I was once read the statistics on telemarketed leads and it was something like only 20% of them ever get called. Most agents look them over, call who they feel like, don't get an answer, etc. so they never follow up on a lot of them. I've had client's tell me they appreciate my persistency because I'm the only agent they've dealt with that will call more than once or twice. And I'm in the Dallas area one of the most heavily telemarketed areas in the country so they also tell me they get 4 to 5 calls every single week on health insurance.

So I agree with healthagent most agents don't follow through.
I'm using the system and I still consider it hard work. 3 hours a day wears me out. Maybe I'm not used to it. My feeling is if 100 1st year agents start using it, not 10 will be left on it by the end of the year.

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