Important Points of Contacts with Existing Clients

Hey Wino, many thanks for your valuable input. What exactly is "status on term?" And what is it that you're mailing out?

I dream about the referral threads you generate. What would you say is your main component that is behind your success in receiving referrals?

Thanks again Wino! :)

Thanks again Wino!:)
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Many companies will mail a letter to the client either reminding them of their conversion options or giving them a small status which includes the date the level premium goes up. Protective's letter gives the renewal premium. That very high number get's a response from them. The note I write on the letter will be determined by how busy I am and how hot I feel the deal is.

Why do I get referrals? I am not sure, but I think the referrals I get are from people that like me. I take notes when i talk to them (I listen) So they feel that I know them and they also feel they know me. I do not really ask for them. At least not in the `pull out a list`way. The majority of people do not give you a list of people to call. I don't.

My understanding is that Josh can pull up data to create a pretty tight list for a person to market to. However, I have as much valuable information in my files on my people. And I have a reason to call, mail, email or text them.