Independent Vs Being Recruited into a Big Top 50 P&c Firms

regarding those giant accounts, i'm referring to like the 10-20 million dollar buildings, IT operations, etc...

I have been doing some thinking (mainly because its been slow and i know i haven't been using my time productively) as to whether i want to make 100-300k as a small agency or work for someone in the big companies and be the go to guy for those big account needs.

I was thinking about those big investor guys like say a casino, who do they go to for insurance?

I guess its more of an ego thing, where i want to be one of the top guys to go to for insurance. (when i reach that level of success and knowledge)

I guess what i "want" is to become very big and be one of the top companies, but i see that i might not be possible for my time frame and wonder if working for a big agency would help me reach that goal.