Lacking Leads?

OK . I'll rename this thread Lacking Brains?
Dude, why? Don't beat yourself up, just get out there and do SOMETHING. Remember the old adage, prospecting is a contact sport.

My take on the whole MIPAA thing is if you're taking the lengths you are to make sure you're compliant, that shows that you have integrity and you ARE doing the right thing. You have to look at intent. You'd be amazed at the things that some people have done, and continue to do, post MIPAA. Scary.
I was poking fun at myself. Yes , It was very encouraging to DO something .

Two pharmacies that told me to come in anytime. I might have another major one for 3 days and then another I am to speak to the chief pharmacist for a decision. I never had the FMO tell me to try anything, as much as I have been asking for leads .
I think those are great ideas - I like out of the box thinking. Couple of questions:

1. How about a badge with your name on it? Badges are disarming but I would wonder what you could put on it to be compliant and not advertising. I would think your name and who you represent should be fine.

2. At the pharmacies, do you have to request NOT to be in the pharmacy area. I think you have to be in the common areas.
If you have enough leads then you would have enough money to buy yourself the turpitude you need. - or so I would think.