Lag Problems with SalesDialer

Generally low consistency is an issue on your end.....

  1. Internet connection is not good. Be sure you use Cable internet when using any VOIP connection.
  2. Use a hard wire connection to your computer and not WIFI.
  3. If using WiFi, be sure you have a quality Router that can handle traffic and uses QoS. No cheap $39-79 router will do. Especially if you have kids.
  4. Kid Issues on the internet. Traffic on a WiFi can be slowed if you have others using it. A good WiFi router that can allocate Traffic and have QoS will be needed. Netgear Dual Band Router, Models R6200 or R6300 are good ones if this is the case.
I got so tired of hearing "it's on my end." I'm not here to bash other dialers or even promote Mojo - don't get a nickle out of it.

I'll say that I've tried other dialers in the past and had major issues with all of them. It was always "on my end" or a temporary "snag" on their end that "they're working on."

All I'll say is I don't ever seem to have these snags on Mojo and it simply works. I have three home-based markers using it and there's just no way I have the time or energy to deal with "it's on your end" issues relating to internet speeds. It's a cloud-based system which means my marketers don't have download or configure anything.

Use Mojo.
I upgraded the hardware of the computer turns out the processor and ram was crap. lol 512 stick of ddr1 ahahaha. just scrapped that whole set up an got another one with 2 gigs in it. Same Wifi router and adapter and it solved connection issues. No jitter or packet loss whatsoever. I'm excited actually about using the dialer.

As long as your router is strong and adapter is good wifi can handle voip apparently. I use the r6200 and a6200 netgear.
wifi can handle voip without any issues at all, unless your kids are streaming Netflix wirelessly at the same time :)

You can even do that as long as your router provides a QoS solution (quality of service) where you can prioritize voip traffic above other things like browsing, Netflix, whatever.

Also, when dealing with voip, make sure you know which codec you are using. Some are much more bandwidth friendly than others.

Yeah, it looks like the good old Sams Club Cisco 4500 doesn't have enough juice to pull me through.
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lol by kids you mean insurance agents facebookin lol

We had that same problem so I installed a web blocker. There are so many out there but if you're a small out fit, you can download and use K9 Protection for free. We started with them but had to switch as we got bigger. I literally saw a difference the very first day I installed. I got so sick and tired of hearing them complain about the internet yet finding them Youtubing and FB'n.

As far as a dialer goes, you can pm me if you want to know about ours. I have compared it to a lot of them out there and the price is awesome. I can admin it inside and out. Control the speed. Everything. If it goes down(which is rare), they are super quick to fix it. Like 15 mins would be a long time being down. I have 10-12 telemarketers using is daily and 5-7 agents. Our speed we use is 15X2 and we could actually go down one grade but the price would be about the same.
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WOAH! I just glanced at Mojo and man...they nickle and dime for a lot of basic stuff? I may be reading it wrong but wow. I would go broke with it. Only up to 89 calls an hour isn't bad but sometimes a rep takes 100? We also can dial up to 30 lines at a time though that's insane. The most we end the day with typically is 12-14 lines. We start the day at 8 lines.
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Thanks Eugene for the kind words. I do try to represent myself with complete honesty and transparency regardless of where I work. Just enjoy participating here... learning, helping others if possible and making some new friends.
dialer works just fine... 50 dials an hour single line. I dont even use the other lines available because I do b2b. The crm feature with timestamped notes is awesome. Thanks Cory