Life Insurance Question


New Member
I have a question do you have Health and sickness license to sell only Life insurance, annuities and Securities.
If you plan to ONLY do life insurance, annuities and securities, you need the appropriate licensing for them - namely a life license and the appropriate securities licenses.

However, if you plan to address disability income, critical illness, long-term care, individual health, or any group insurance... you'll want the health & sickness license.
Thank you, That is what I thought. I have a financial background in banking and Retirement, and Life Insurance and retirement planning are really what I am good at.
Not intended to be a snide comment but if you have experience in the areas you mention how is it you don't know which license(s) are needed for which products?
Thank you, That is what I thought. I have a financial background in banking and Retirement, and Life Insurance and retirement planning are really what I am good at.

You should still get the health portion of your license...if you deal with retirees (or those nearing retirement), there will be a lot of opportunity in writing LTCi (even if you don't want to do med supps and other health related products)
You should still get the health portion of your license...if you deal with retirees (or those nearing retirement), there will be a lot of opportunity in writing LTCi (even if you don't want to do med supps and other health related products)

Tahoe Ray is right. You should have both.