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LTC Marketing

previously posted by emptyenternity

Whats a good income filter?

It depends on what products you're selling and who your target market is.

For LTC, I use ages 40-65, with an income of $75,000 and above. But, I market in a fairly high net-worth area. Many of my responders have household incomes well above $75,000.

With the cost of an individual policy in my area costing about $3,500/yr+, the ability to afford the premium is my main concern.

Obviously if you're dealing in FE or med supps, or life ins. your target market is different and therefore your filters will be different as well.
Direct mailing can be effective but it depends on who your audience is. Most people over the age of 50 and 60 do not check there email as often. Also, although the open rate can maintain a fairly high percentage, your conversion rate usually lowers as the age of your demographic increases. More clicks can be deadly so you have to make sure to create material that is relevant and important to who is opening the mail.

I'm an independent marketing director and I work with a few small insurance companies on the west coast. What I have found to be very effective in gaining leads is a focus on search engine optimizing (organically). Yes, a cool website is nice and cool to look at but if no one is visiting it, who cares. Same goes with videos. The idea is to create enriching content and videos that are created specifically to answer a question a customer may have. That way when they type into Google that question, you pop up and your site gains more traffic. More traffic means more potential leads and new clients.

I hope this helps, try looking into SEO instead of direct mail. I think you will be impressed with the results.

If you want to see an example visit work comp for less (dot) com.
I'm an independent marketing director and I work with a few small insurance companies on the west coast. What I have found to be very effective in gaining leads is a focus on search engine optimizing (organically).

Have you done this for the LTC market?
Direct mailing can be effective but it depends on who your audience is. Most people over the age of 50 and 60 do not check there email as often. Also, although the open rate can maintain a fairly high percentage, your conversion rate usually lowers as the age of your demographic increases. More clicks can be deadly so you have to make sure to create material that is relevant and important to who is opening the mail.m.

What does email and clicks have anything to do with what we have been discussing?
Have you done this for the LTC market?

Yes. And my apologies I will be more clean on who I target.

It can be said that a demographic of people 25-50 will check there email's more frequently than people over the age of 50. With long term care, it is more beneficial for my clients when they can get clients under the age of 30. Although the monthly rates will be lower, it keeps the residuals coming in for many more years.

So yes, the younger your prospect is, the better you chances are of having them sign of for LTC because the price is lower. I have found it is easier to get a twenty-something started on a plan if the price is low as opposed to marketing to 50-60+ where the annual price is much higher. You can get them to sign up and have them on a recurring payment system for many years.


I like how he pitches his service and says mail is dead right after our own in house expert says thats how he works ltc..

I am not saying email marketing is dead. It just is not as effective as having an organic page rank with Google. People have a tendency to search for the best price, best service, and best reviews when they are searching for a specific service such as an insurance company. People by from people they know, like, and trust. Direct mail works great when you have an open rate of about 20-30% with a click-through rate of around 8-10%. So yes if you have 10,000 people you are mailing out to that could be effective.

However, there are thousands and thousands of daily searches for small business insurance, so if you spend your time building your SEO, all you have to do is sit and wait for the calls to come in..from people who have searched, found, and liked you enough to call. The conversion rate is much higher than sending out a weekly email blast.

Both work well together, I have just found in my years of doing marketing that spending more time on building page rank and web traffic is much more effective than direct mailing or email marketing. But again, with marketing, there is no one correct answer.
previously posted by billlacombe

It can be said that a demographic of people 25-50 will check there email's more frequently than people over the age of 50. With long term care, it is more beneficial for my clients when they can get clients under the age of 30.
So yes, the younger your prospect is, the better you chances are of having them sign of for LTC because the price is lower. I have found it is easier to get a twenty-something started on a plan if the price is low as opposed to marketing to 50-60+ where the annual price is much higher

So, let me understand this...........
You sell LTCi and your target market are those in their 20s?
I am not saying email marketing is dead. It just is not as effective as having an organic page rank with Google.

Do you have an example of a web site you built that is for LTC?

You showed us a workers compensation site.

so if you spend your time building your SEO, all you have to do is sit and wait for the calls to come in..from people who have searched, found, and liked you enough to call.

How does an insurance agent with little technical background spend his time building his SEO ?

I have just found in my years of doing marketing that spending more time on building page rank and web traffic is much more effective than direct mailing or email marketing. But again, with marketing, there is no one correct answer.

What exactly do you do ? (you mentioned independent marketer)