Making Money In These Hard Times


I grew up watching Darrin Stevens on Bewitched winning advertising clients for his agency by coming up some inspired idea. Something funny and/or magical would happen that would trigger a fully formed concept and he would have an advertising campaign that would run rings around the competition.

That ain't the way it works!

Inspiration isn't a bad way to get you started. In fact, I wake up with ideas for new projects all the time.

But if you don't know how to test and adjust, test and adjust, test and adjust... you will watch your competitors run laps around you.

They may not be smarter than you, but they have learned how to determine what parts of their business are most and least profitable and to shift their investments of time and money appropriately.

One last piece of advice:
You are a business owner regardless of your title. Manage your career the way a good business owner runs his or her business.

Something I always consider for my own success is the following formula:


Works out quite well that way!
I've been running into a lot of people who just don't want to spend any more money these days.

In these times, our business should not slow down, not one bit. Think of how many people would be happy to save premium dollars when you effectively present and educate them about certain plans showing a way to save premium without giving up benefits. I like to annualize my savings for the client. The actual savings tends to hit home when they realize you are freeing up $1,200 a year or more as opposed to only $100/mo.
Are these times really that hard? I went to the mall on Saturday it was packed. The good upscale restaurants are packed every weekend.

Everyone is buying premium food products, organic, and high end groceries.

The new Iphones seem to be flying off the shelf at $60 to $100/mo or more service fees (about the same as some high deductible plans).

I don't see anyone canceling their cable or satellite service, or XM radio.

I don't see any soup lines. I see unemployment around 5 percent in most of the country which is virtually 0% as far as I am concerned some people are just plain lazy and milk the system.

Gas inflation adjusted is only maybe 50 cents higher than 1981. Americans think $1 in 1981 is the same as 2008, there is a little think called inflation.

I just don't see it. Other than people buying homes they had no business buying. Making $50k a year and buying a $500k home my 2 year old can figure that one out. Other than some funky home loans and gas running high - I don't see it.

I think the economy is shaky in some areas, but this is a whole lot to do about nothing in the long term.

Time to buy some stocks - bargain sale - back the truck up and load up. Everything must go!!!

I've never made this much money in my life! This is going to be my best year ever!

Well, this will be my best insurance year ever.... far cry from my best year ever though...

I am seeing more prospects willing to let go of the big name brand policy in favor of lesser known brands that offer the same coverage but for a cheaper price.

:bump:I am having a really good year.
prospects willing to let go of the big name brand policy in favor of lesser known brands that offer the same coverage but for a cheaper price.

Which carrier & plans are you using?

BX is fairly strong in NC (as in other states). Here in GA they are not that tough to beat unless you have a brain dead prospect.
I agree, the money is where you put your time, I do not sell on the web, I meet face to face. I have been on the road for the last 3 days. I just entered the senior market 10 months ago selling med sups, I have plenty of business (but want more) Hard times create opp.. find your niche
Condoleezza Rice - The Right Man for the Times

Somebody really needs to sneak into your office and take PhotoShop off of your computer. I just hope Secretary of State Rice doesn't read the forum. There may be a black ops mission being planned as we "speak."

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