Mass Mutual Vs. New York Life

Yes... and no. It depends on the B/D.

A few years ago, I spoke with ONESCO compliance regarding agent produced marketing literature. They specifically told me that if it has nothing to do with securities, they don't need to see it. They also don't care if you have outside insurance selling contracts. Just disclose that as an OBA (outside business activity) and they were fine with that.

However, in order to be registered with their B/D, you have to have production history of GDC (securities commissions) and a clean compliance record. But once you're on board with ONESCO, your Ohio National life production counts towards B/D production requirements.

I think ONESCO is about as "hands off" as a B/D can be... assuming you're in a state that is for independents. I don't know how it would be for career agents in their other states.

ONESCO is one of the few that are very insurance friendly. But if Im not mistaken, the way to really max that contract is to produce ON life. So it helps to really commit to sending life business to ON. (similar to Mass in a way, just not forced to)

But they would be a the top of my list if I needed a B/D.

Of course you can never get away from FINRA with that set up... which is why in my mind you will never be truly independent in all aspects of your business model. But that is a much more in depth philosophical conversation. :twitchy:
I think the choice for broker dealer depends on what you are looking for support. Onesco seems like very hands off, which usually means they won't help you much in return. Some other broker dealers are great for active trading strategies or help you present annuity solutions. As pointed out you pay a price because each broker dealer and FINRA owns you.

If you are seasoned NYL producer, you want/need support for your business, Massmutual will be slightly better than NYL.

On the hand, If you are seasoned producer and you don't need the support of broker dealer, you will always have the state of the art technology available to you and you can take your business to any level you wish.
Nobody nickels and dimes you when you are completely independent.