My personal experience with Aflac

Re: Working for Aflac?

Too many agents, no marketing plan, low commissions - reminded me of Mary Kay or Amway, and YES they want you to recruit or you will never move up.

Also read their vesting schedule VERY CLOSE if you do not continue to produce you can lose your renewals.

Also ask them about the over priced laptop they essentially force you to buy (when you have no money).

Sorry I tried it years ago and 99.9% of the time is cold calling and walking around strip malls - people don't want it, don't need it and you make no money selling it unless you have a huge downline for years.
Re: Working for Aflac?

Nay-sayers! Last I heard Aflac was up 10% this year and expecting another double digit increase next year. Oversaturation? I always aim at the oversaturated market then the undersaturated market, obvious reasons.

I like worksite, the water is warm, I suggest too jump in. As the old saying goes, "Serve the classes and eat with the masses, serve the masses and eat with the classes". Working with worksite I think its best to understand that you really ought not be captive, which you don't need to be with Aflac. Much like Conseco, there is good and bad about all companies, like Conseco, might not like all their product lines or the company. Yet they do have some things too offer, one of which is access to their third party administrators. Also remember, for every small group of say 5-20, while 80% will be low price products you have the owners and key people you have total access too to pitch more fruitful products.
Re: Getting started with Aflac - my problem or Aflac's

Stay far away from Aflac, I worked for Aflac for a short time and I actually sold a group of construction workers some accident policies. It took me 2-3 weeks to round up everyone and get the appropiate singatures and I made a whopping 400.00 dollars. The RSC I trained with said wow you made 400.00 very quickly, it takes most new Aflac agents a couple months to make that kind of money he claimed. After that I quickly went elsewhere and have been very successful with my current companies.
Re: Getting started with Aflac - my problem or Aflac's

I won't bad-mouth Aflac. I write for Colonial and I have a lot of respect for Aflac agents and some of their products.

While Colonial's commission structure is not great (similar to Aflac) and they don't have nearly as good marketing (not even close!) I will say that I've never know a company that treats me as nice, as fairly, and with as much respect as Colonial. My training has been terrific the past year... every month they have classes on product or sales or technology etc. My local DGA and RSM have never tried to cheat me.... indeed my DGA took me out on a bunch of cases that I cold-called, did the presentation for me, did the close, put in a lot of time training me in procedure, and did not ask for (or get) a split (he does get an override... which does not come out of my pocket.) Also the other agents have been helpful... it is more of a team spirit as opposed to competitors.

I don't do that much biz with Colonial because like Aflac, it is a hard sale and many businesses have had bad experiences with worksite carriers, Aflac being one... but Colonial as well. Also, it's a long sale cycle with a low commission structure (but a good bonus structure... if you can last that long!)

I'm not recruiting for Colonial... I'm sure every geographical area is different, but if you are not happy where you are, you might sit and talk with one of the Colonial people in your area. I don't know anyone who sells Colonial full-time but as an add-on to group coverage it might be worth your while to look into it.

As always YMMV.

Re: Working for Aflac?

I tried Aflac and it didn't work. I put 400 miles on my car a week and walked God knows how many miles on foot. I knocked on hundreds of doors and got 1 client in 6 weeks. I was paid about $2500 for that clients business but divided over all the hours and gas It came out to less than $3 an hour. I quit after that and my manager got the account. I saw another post here somewhere saying they hire 10 hoping to get 1 office contract from them like mine and when 9 quit the manager gets the business and the residuals for them. I couldn't agree more. However, it is not an MLM and you don't have to recruit you can just be a producer if that's all you want.

Re: Working for Aflac?

I've known many people over the years who have worked it hard and ended up with nothing, meaning, if they were the producer, their contract ended up with the manager upon leaving. Only one success story of a producer who had about 8 agents underneath him (it was an agency deal).
Re: Working for Aflac?

Let me give a different side of the argument.

I tried it about 10 years ago, not captive, but bringing them into my group health accounts. The employees ate it up, I got nice advances from them (back when I preferred advances), the renewals were good, I got stock, I was not a believer in accident only policies however. I shifted my focus and forgot about Aflac. The renewals continued until one day I got a letter in the mail from Aflac offering to buy out my renewals. I sold my renewals to the company for a nice check and kept my stock for a while. I referred a guy in another town to Aflac and made some decent money from what I remember as a 5% override for 1 year.

Are they plain dumb about the way they do some things? Yes
Are business owners tired of Aflac reps? Yes

Is it still a good ancillary sale for your employee groups? Yes

It's what you make out of it! Just like everything else in life!
Aflac Stock Checks

Good morning everyone, I have recently recieved a 2,000$ check from Aflac as they wrote "stock bonus" on this check here is the funny part. I have not submitted any business for Aflac in over 10 months! I signed a contract with Aflac, did some business for them, and then I went to work for my current agency. Has anyone else experienced this? :D
Re: Aflac Stock Checks

Unless you know that it's legit, I'd make sure to either call them and ask, or at a minimum, don't spend it for now.