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NSF Checks!


100+ Post Club
So it has been a fun week! *Had a customer who bounced a check, of course his phone was guess What...disconnected. *So we mailed him a letter notifying him to replace the check with cash or we would have to notify the company and his policy would be canceled. *Well after he got done cussing at one of the ladies in my office telling her that he doesn't have any money and won't have any until the 30th I took the call. I calmly said sir you will need to bring cash to replace the check and the fee for the NSF charge that the bank charges us. Well this joker...he let me know he would just get his insurance somewhere else if I canceled his policy. *So I told him that's fine sir you go pay for your new policy with another NSF check and see how quick they cancel you. *But that is fine I was trying to work with you and I did not have to call you. I will get my money back and the fee too because I am calling the company and having your policy canceled for the BAD check you gave me on a cancelation bill. He then told me that I can't do that because he has a @-$&! Grace period... So I "not so calmly" informed him that his grace period is over when the cancel notice was sent out and since he paid with a bad check the policy is canceled as soon as I notify the company. He cussed at me a little more...so I hung up on him and guess what the man that wouldn't have any @!@$& money until the 30th was in within 5 mins with cash! *What is wrong with people how can someone seriously get pissed off with me because they bounced a check to me.*

But that's ok because normally if it isn't a repeat offended I will waive our fee and most of the time even the bank fee...he came in and tried to pay for just the payment amount. And I was like NO way...pay the NSF fee or I am calling to cancel the policy. *
I can't stand clients like that! You have more patience and customer service skills than I do. I don't work with anyone who bounces the down payment and never reinstate policies (if the company aks for my recommendation). I really should start charging a fee to reinstate then I'd do it but I hate chasing deadbeats.
This wasn't his downpayment and he had been a customer for a few years but since it was a payment on a cancelation bill the policy would have canceled for the NSF check.

To be honest I am not playing around with them anymore any of them...bounce a check once I will attempt to contact you...2nd time forget it I don't have time for that ****. They can deal with the fines and consequences. I don't need that type of business anyway.

I do understand bad stuff happens to good people and I do try to work with people and most people are appreciative but this F-----r pissed me off...I have top noted his account CASH ONLY any questions ask ME the owner!
I respect that ha you can waste a lot of time with those kinds of clients. As I'm sure you know as you've been doing this longer than I have, but the bottom 20% of your clients take 80% of your time.

I have preferred clients that pay $2k in full and never talk to me again. It's the $70 a month clients that change their address, car, or file a claim every 2 months.
hey guy, where you been?

ALL of my carriers, I process the check on their site, I dont have to screw with this, just enter the routing number, account number, hit submit, and shred the check........
I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row for when (and if) I open my own agency and don't want to deal with cash at all. Strickly debit card or money order/cashier's check. Does anyone think this would be a problem?

I can't stand clients like that! You have more patience and customer service skills than I do. I don't work with anyone who bounces the down payment and never reinstate policies (if the company aks for my recommendation). I really should start charging a fee to reinstate then I'd do it but I hate chasing deadbeats.
I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row for when (and if) I open my own agency and don't want to deal with cash at all. Strickly debit card or money order/cashier's check. Does anyone think this would be a problem?

I wouldn't open an agency first if you are brand new to this. Go captive or work under an indy for a bit because you will be SHOCKED at what you don't know. I've been there and done that, it isn't fun at all.

And going without handling cash is pretty easy to do. I handled cash ONCE because the client lost her debit card and check book from a theft. Other than that it is all debit card, electronic check, and recurring payments.
I will not allow a customer to cuss at one of my girls much less speak to me like that. I fired a $9600 commercial account recently for doing so. There are enough good clients out there that you don't need to put up with deadbeats or jerks. Give him his $$$ back and tell him to find a new agent. Your staff will respect you for it and you will have a better agency in the long run if you display some client control instead of letting a client treat you like that.
Hey Red, I have been BUSY! I have been checking in but just not had much time for posting. I have recently had my office manager leave and have had some additional responsibilities that I have had to take care of until I get everything back to normal. Kind of a big deal she had been with me over 10 years. Also have had a few ISO reviews and property re inspections with two of my larger carriers that have been... A Nightmare!

Bert- I know exactly what you are saying. I have thick skin so I can take it over rates going up or a bad claim, whatever. Honestly most people don't mean anything by it and if you just let them talk "vent" before you say anything at all everything is ok. Most the time after they get done with the rant they apologize before they even get off of the phone. This *** just was a different breed! And when he brought the cash in he took it to my other location. One of my CSRs called me to let me know he was there paying cash. I almost told her to give it back to him.

By the way Bert you have made me want to start growing my commercial business so I hired another comercial lines agent. Kind of did it like you said too! Guy worked for an agency close by and was unhappy there so I made him a better deal.

By the way processing electronic checks without the insurers permission is not allowed by many carriers. I have no idea why you are not supposed to, and this is what I started doing a few years back and was processing all checks as efts from their accounts. Well I have had several mailings come from carriers stating that you can not process customers checks that they mail in to your office or drop off that way since they haven't authorized it to be processed as a EFT? I honestly don't understand why it makes a difference. We do process most check payments when the customer is in the office that way though and hand them the check right back. This as I understand it is OK? That is the easiest way to avoid dealing with this and I think a memo will go out today regarding this to serve as a reminder.
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