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Paramed Exam Question

The point is that you constantly are here to remind us to hire an indy examiner
Rick, I think 34 (now 35) posts in 3.75 years hardly qualifies as even being anywhere near the neighborhood of constant. However 9,610 posts in just under 6 years, might. (don't you sleep?)

Since you clearly want to nit pick, can you tell me how many references I made to hiring independents in what I posted above? Here, I'll save you the trouble of limbering up your fingers for a counting exercise; exactly none. But since you brought it up, and I know making changes and trying new things can be scary, try an independent for your "few" apps this year. Then talk about it once you've had first hand experience with it and know from whence you speak.

PCB, stick to selling insurance, sizzling repartee is obviously not your forte. In the interests of fair play I'll keep mine simplistic as well 20080724231921!Bobby-orr-1.jpg

I'm glad to see that the dumb question I posted 3 years ago has been resurrected.
I'm sorry to tell you no agent really cares about what company gets the examination business. They just want a competent examiner. And no matter what you say, that is entirely an individual thing exclusive from working on your own or for somebody else.

Most of us, when we find a good examiner in an area, direct business to that person, never really caring about who, how or what gets paid.

While I understand what you're doing, for most agents it just doesn't matter to the extent you'd like it too. We have other concerns out there that trump this one. Sorry.
If I like an examiner from certain company..then I would call her/him directly with the case.

So that way they get my case and the company does not assign it to another bad examiner.

Most examiner are independent contractors.;)
I'm sorry to tell you no agent really cares about what company gets the examination business.
Then perhaps you're not listening because I've never said they did. It's not lost on me that examiners and exam companies are viewed as a necessary evil. Nor do I have any delusions about loyalties, empathy or camaraderie. We're all in "what have you done for me lately" businesses.

As a truly independent contractor/examiner, meaning I'm not owned by any of the exam companies (as opposed to their examiners who are independent contractors in title only and only for classification purposes with the IRS so the exam companies can get around paying their fair share of taxes, FICA, etc.), I'm putting information out there to increase awareness. Do I have a personal interest in this? Of course. I want agents to know they can use me for their exam needs. But I mostly want them to know, globally, they can use US.

I'm tired of the stranglehold the exam companies have on this industry. Not just because we have to kill the myths they've created, as part of our marketing struggle, but more because their undercutting is killing this industry. Their methods have only served to diminish the quality of examiners, their work and their service. Ask any agent who's been around for more than ten years how problematic the exam process is now, as opposed to back then.

Comments on this thread and others indicate there is some degree of confusion about how things work on our side of the fence. If the questions weren't asked, you'd have never heard from me. And, just to have it said, although I have personal feelings about these issues, I've never used this forum for personal marketing. In nothing I've ever posted here will you find a link to my website, mention of the name of my business, nor any of my contact information. Simply because I respect that this is your forum.

If you come to my sandbox, however, different story.:biggrin: