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New Member
I have been recently offered a job by an insurance agent. They will hold a position for me until I get licensed, but the base is only 8.00 per hour. Bonuses kick in after 15 items. This does not even seem worth my time to get the p and c license. Any input? What would be fair pay?
I'd talk to Nationwide. I believe they have a signing bonus if you have your P& C license. They'll also start you out at 12.50 an hour, and the pay goes up from there. I will warn you that Nationwide has very high expectations, and they will terminate you if you don't have a very high success rate. The experience of working there will be good for you, though.
You have to start from somewhere...........

Why would they pay you any more? (since I assume you are inexperienced)
I have been recently offered a job by an insurance agent. They will hold a position for me until I get licensed, but the base is only 8.00 per hour. Bonuses kick in after 15 items. This does not even seem worth my time to get the p and c license. Any input? What would be fair pay?

That they want to give you a low base pay is because they want you to produce. The big question is what is the bonus after 15 items? Is it 15 items per week, month, year, or 15 items period.
The only skin that you have in the game would be getting the license which is a joke in most states. If they will they will give you some decent training and pay you 8 an hour, take it, produce then negotiate, until you show that you can produce you are dead weight.
The only skin that you have in the game would be getting the license which is a joke in most states. If they will they will give you some decent training and pay you 8 an hour, take it, produce then negotiate, until you show that you can produce you are dead weight.

+1 100%.

Think about it. Right now, with zero experience and no license, what do you have to offer to an Agency?
A former agent of mine referred a friend to me. She wanted to intern. Shadow me, answer phones, do quotes, what ever. For free. She is unemployed, collecting unemployment. Sounded to time consuming for me. Referred her to a P&C agent. He wound up hiring her. Worked for her.

Depending on what the bonus is. Go for it. Unless you have a better offer to go to. It should not take to long to know if it is right for you.

I have been recently offered a job by an insurance agent. They will hold a position for me until I get licensed, but the base is only 8.00 per hour. Bonuses kick in after 15 items. This does not even seem worth my time to get the p and c license. Any input? What would be fair pay?
+1 100%.

Think about it. Right now, with zero experience and no license, what do you have to offer to an Agency?

The answer is (or at least should be):
- Attitude, which is far more important than the license
- Project 100, which is turning over your friends and family to the wolves at the agents office.

The first part is easy for some people, very tough for others. You need to make sure you have the right attitude for the office. Some people can't hack it.

The second part is tough for me. I understand it is for a lot of people. Be careful of an agent who is hiring you just to get your family and friends. You need to bring real value.
