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Paying For Leads ONLY After a Sale

Do they come preprinted on fancy yellow pages?
Or do you only have the white page version?
Read on the post on this subject. You guys and girls are all going to love what I am bringing to the table this year. I have acquired the domain www.Lend.com. I am building a site more based on making sure the consumer is helped correctly. Obviously you service providers will have a ton do with the success. My consumer will be matched with the best provider in there field. Providers are ranked based on location, positive reviews, referrals, updating your account, and many other factors. I am looking for feedback from everyone as to what you would want on a site that can bring you clients actively seeking help. We plan on making it more like a membership to Lend.com as we won't just let any agent help our clients. Prove your skills to us and you will be rewarded. I hate the term "lead" these are people wanting help not just some info put into an app online and blasted to everyone.

So what do you guys want to see with a website like this?
What would help? Obviously there is no way to pay for the lead after it closes that is not an option. But, we can guarantee any consumer from our site only goes to a Lend.com provider. And only is matched with 2 providers to compete for their business.

Just curious for some feedback. I am literally creating this as we speak with my developers and team any feedback will only help you guys when this is launched.
Read on the post on this subject. You guys and girls are all going to love what I am bringing to the table this year. I have acquired the domain www.Lend.com. I am building a site more based on making sure the consumer is helped correctly. Obviously you service providers will have a ton do with the success. My consumer will be matched with the best provider in there field. Providers are ranked based on location, positive reviews, referrals, updating your account, and many other factors. I am looking for feedback from everyone as to what you would want on a site that can bring you clients actively seeking help. We plan on making it more like a membership to Lend.com as we won't just let any agent help our clients. Prove your skills to us and you will be rewarded. I hate the term "lead" these are people wanting help not just some info put into an app online and blasted to everyone.

So what do you guys want to see with a website like this?
What would help? Obviously there is no way to pay for the lead after it closes that is not an option. But, we can guarantee any consumer from our site only goes to a Lend.com provider. And only is matched with 2 providers to compete for their business.

Just curious for some feedback. I am literally creating this as we speak with my developers and team any feedback will only help you guys when this is launched.
Is this sort of an offshoot of Angie's List?

What will your site have that the aforementioned site doesn't have?

I recommend having a zip code feature and you can have two insurance sales people in each zip code under your site.
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Also, lend.com "seems" like it would be a lending site.

I wish you well in your venture but I think you'd be better off selling your domain to a huge bank or mortgage company.
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from an agent's standpoint, I completely agree with DJS. If I'm given an offer to be charged $25-35 for an auto insurance lead only after I sell it.... then absolutely Yes! I'll take that all day long as well. The reward (renewals) far outweighs the risk (cancellations/chargebacks).

however, from a vendor's standpoint, I don't think this would be economically feasible. Too many pitfalls:
  • it would require a awfully high volume of leads before you could come close to breaking even financially. where are those leads coming from?
  • auditing would be tough. there's a fine line between not doing enough (agents not reporting sales) and doing too much (overspending on the resources it takes to properly monitor agents).
  • are customers going to be aware that their phone might ring off the hook until they buy? And then possibly keep ringing after they buy? (see Briko3's point.... very valid IMO. and I would add to that calls from auditors as well)
  • Sti's point of removing "sucky" agents is also valid and thus short-term contracts and turnover comes into play. will this cause stability issues?
  • initial short-term cash flow issues. a lot of money will have to go out for resources mentioned above before any money comes in.
In my opinion, the only way this plan would be doable is with a lot of up front capital. But if this is a go, by all means, sign me up!
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Is this sort of an offshoot of Angie's List?

What will your site have that the aforementioned site doesn't have?

I recommend having a zip code feature and you can have two insurance sales people in each zip code under your site.
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Also, lend.com "seems" like it would be a lending site.

I wish you well in your venture but I think you'd be better off selling your domain to a huge bank or mortgage company.

This is not a spin off from anything but, yes you can take angies list, bankrate, lending tree, yelp and many others put all the best features together and you will have something similar to what we will be offering. And yes Lend seems like a mortgage type of name. But, with everything baught what do you need......... Insurance of course!! Only makes sense to have everything a consumer would need in one place.

And yes we will make sure each area's market is not flooded however, only the better agents will get more clients. It is up to each agent to make the name for themself by their quality and professionalism. This site will be for everything mortgage, insurance, auto loan, payday loan, c.c, etc. As I get closer I will continue to pick everyones brain and let them take a peek at what we are creating.
This is not a spin off from anything but, yes you can take angies list, bankrate, lending tree, yelp and many others put all the best features together and you will have something similar to what we will be offering. And yes Lend seems like a mortgage type of name. But, with everything baught what do you need......... Insurance of course!! Only makes sense to have everything a consumer would need in one place.

And yes we will make sure each area's market is not flooded however, only the better agents will get more clients. It is up to each agent to make the name for themself by their quality and professionalism. This site will be for everything mortgage, insurance, auto loan, payday loan, c.c, etc. As I get closer I will continue to pick everyones brain and let them take a peek at what we are creating.

Is this the same idea as last month where you said you are going to charge the consumer for this service?
I can see it now....the poor consumer checks off the box to receive cc offers, and gets calls from mortgage brokers, insurance, payday loans, car loans,...but only 2.....per product line!
I can see it now....the poor consumer checks off the box to receive cc offers, and gets calls from mortgage brokers, insurance, payday loans, car loans,...but only 2.....per product line!

The consumer does not have to pay to be helped by a service provider. We have other features for a paying consumer though if they want those options.

And with the system we are building it will be impossible for any service provider other than the ones we match them with to get the info. Only the consumer can actively pursue an agent. Not the other way around. Take out everything bad from any company you have worked with for "leads" marketing etc. Put in all the good features you like that is what we are building here.

We did not acquire a domain of Lend.com to make a quick buck in the industry. We plan on really making a difference to actually give consumers help. So maybe you could give me feedback on what you want to see on the site instead of assuming ideas you are making up won't work.