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Paying For Leads ONLY After a Sale

So you bought a lending domain and you're going to trust insurance agents with leads?


The Germans have a word for what I'm experiencing as I read this thread and it's called Schadenfreude.
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Dave Ramsey already does this. It is called "ELP" for Endorsed Local Provider.

No charge to the consumer but a pretty hefty fee the ELP gets charged to be in the program. It works but takes a spokesman like Dave to drive the traffic.

Otherwise you'll need a ton of marketing dollars behind lend.com to drive traffic. Plus not all agents are created equal. How will you police the system? How will you know as another guy said, if someone sells the lead but doesn't tell you?

I LOVE creative entrepreneurs & new, fresh ideas....so Best of Luck with this endeavor. I hope you are successful with it.
After paying for the verified client wanting help someone would try and sell the info rather than close the deal and make money? I don't see this happening. We will monitor each deal. An agent will be required to update us on the progress of the transaction. If they don't there is a good chance they will either fall down the list or maybe we just drop them. We need to know our clients are getting taken care of and correctly.

As for getting traffic to the site that is no problem we have the tools and backing for that already.

As soon as I am able and the site is operational. I will send the link and have you all sign up and use the service for free for a while. Get free customers while we drive traffic to it. Give me feedback which will only help you guys.

With my research so far I believe a close ratio will be around the 15-25% area. Which will make these valuable clients and being a member of Lend even more important.

Any feedback at this point or suggestions are always helpful.
The consumer does not have to pay to be helped by a service provider. We have other features for a paying consumer though if they want those options.

And with the system we are building it will be impossible for any service provider other than the ones we match them with to get the info. Only the consumer can actively pursue an agent. Not the other way around. Take out everything bad from any company you have worked with for "leads" marketing etc. Put in all the good features you like that is what we are building here.

We did not acquire a domain of Lend.com to make a quick buck in the industry. We plan on really making a difference to actually give consumers help. So maybe you could give me feedback on what you want to see on the site instead of assuming ideas you are making up won't work.

thank you everyone for some of the feedback. let me give you a little more insight on our vision.

A customer goes on our website to find a legitimate verified provider. Their info is then matched with traits, skills, location etc from you the provider. This client is matched with 3 providers and 3 providers only. You make contact with the client through our system so we can monitor the flow. The client can choose who they want to work with. They just know the ones selected are the ones best suited for them. You will have a personal/work profile so they know all about you from work experience, the company you work for, even what you like to do for fun. You keep updating our system with made contact, sent quote, closed etc. Client can then write a review on your service for other clients to see.

another kicker why this will be successful. The customer pays for our service too. They get other services that we offer also. So no bogus clients or tire kickers. This translates into a much higher closing ratio for you providers. Only thing we don't have nailed down is cost. We are thinking a monthly memebership to providers like $20-25 per month. Then a per lead fee. I don't like using the word "lead" as these are customers. Maybe $10-20+ per lead. That again goes to only 3 agents. We want this to be a very personal service. Basically a match maker for consumers and providers.

This is the skinny on the vision and scope. Additional feedback from you guys would be great!

I'm not assuming anything....my comments are based on your prior posts about charging consumer....save your money, this project has already failed.
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So you bought a lending domain and you're going to trust insurance agents with leads?


The Germans have a word for what I'm experiencing as I read this thread and it's called Schadenfreude.

It will be interesting if he can make a difference. I'm 100% for ideas that help agents make money. But I do not share your pleasure as I hope he succeeds with this new idea. Waiting to see how he executes so it is a Win-Win for all.

German word Definition: pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others

I'm not assuming anything....my comments are based on your prior posts about charging consumer....save your money, this project has already failed.

Once again the consumer can get the same help for FREE. We have additional tools they can use if they choose to which come at a cost.

So take the cost for the consumer off the table. Since you are the super genius if you had the ability to make a site to help consumers and get "leads" for agents what would you do?

I don't mind you thinking it will fail. It is just more motivation for me. When you see the success and commercials etc. down the road you will remember how it all started.
I have to wonder as well if this process wouldn't be in that gray, mucky area of "taking commissions when not licensed".