Prospects who want all the information but want to enroll themselves


Super Genius
Ive had this happen several times before and today was the most recent. Had a lead , went over Medicare with her, literally everything I talked about she wanted me to write down all the names of the companies I narrowed down for her, all the plan names and numbers, drug plan company and plan names, dates when she must enroll by, dental plan names, basically everything. She was inquisitive about everything. There was no enrollment because she had to talk to her employer about something before she enrolls.

I guarantee Im not gonna hear from her again, because the last people I did this with never contacted me again either. These people all knew that I would not be charging them anything, nor would they pay more for my services.

Is this just part of the business? Should I not hand over everything to someone like this? How do I do this correctly to prevent this from happening anymore?
On a lead that’s tougher . You’re calling them most of the time soliciting business .Your much more vulnerable to a time waster than with a referral . I explain to them how I get paid and my expertise costs them nothing . Whether you buy from me or the carrier the plan is the exact same . I stay in touch with you and go over your plan yearly and any new options . I answer my phone when you call . I’m looking for relationships.That said if she has potential coverage after retirement or coverage now at her work I’d have gotten the info up front . I don’t waste time any more .
I explain to them how I get paid and my expertise costs them nothing . Whether you buy from me or the carrier the plan is the exact same .
I think this is big. A lot of people out there think everything is "cheaper if I do it myself." Sometimes I get ACA prospects who tell me my price is better than someone else's and I have to explain that it's the same price no matter where you get it, explain how the subsidy affects their cost and go from there.
Had it happen only once.Client was referred to me under 65.I walked her thru ACA plan I found for her so she could self enroll because I don't do ACA. 2yrs later she contacts me T65 send her several plans to compare Med-Supp as well as MA. kept in frequent contact. Finally I ask are you ready to review plans and enroll.She informs me she understands now because she did the Medicare 101 and has enrolled in a MA.I pointblank asked so you bypassed me,no response.She obviously didn't understand as much as she thought because with a systemic Lupus disease a MA would not have been recommended by me.Money was not the issue here ignorance was. Not to mention she blew her guaranteed issue to transfer in the future all because she did the Medicare 101:huh:
Obviously the rules are different for medigap vs mapd; but if you can; make sure you are also gathering their info. Everything you’d need to do the enrollment. So all that is left is a decision, and you can write it up.

If they are giving you their info in return for your aid, it’s creating a relationship. If they won’t, they are holding back.

They ask you questions, you ask them questions, business and life. People tend to do business with people they like.

But sometimes people are just different. Best thing to do, go sell something to the next person, be excited about it, and if that other one comes back it’s a bonus.
Ive had this happen several times before and today was the most recent. Had a lead , went over Medicare with her, literally everything I talked about she wanted me to write down all the names of the companies I narrowed down for her, all the plan names and numbers, drug plan company and plan names, dates when she must enroll by, dental plan names, basically everything. She was inquisitive about everything. There was no enrollment because she had to talk to her employer about something before she enrolls.

I guarantee Im not gonna hear from her again, because the last people I did this with never contacted me again either. These people all knew that I would not be charging them anything, nor would they pay more for my services.

Is this just part of the business? Should I not hand over everything to someone like this? How do I do this correctly to prevent this from happening anymore?
Pretty sure I had the same thing happen to me recently.
It happens from time to time.
On to the next one
Some retirees have to go through a company set up by their employer
these comapnies often do not know enough or care enough to explain anything

but the company will only cover it if they go through this company

I forget who the employer was or who the ins brokerage was before 2015 big company

I would get leads all the time for them, I would even hang up the phone and they would call me back

I had one beg me saying he will enroll with me and not the carrier but did anyway

some of them will pay if they get just one product with their brokerage, but even then its like pulling teeth to get the deal
A proper sales process is designed to get them to know, like, and trust you and show how valuable it would be for them to have you as their agent.

Using pain points and stories of other prospects who got into trouble going it on their own can help (didn't switch plans when the rate increases came, missed enrollment periods....etc.)

My agents tell everyone they talk to all the positives of allowing us to help, "and it cost you nothing. You'll pay the same as if you went direct, Isn't that worth having someone looking out for you each year?

You need to find a way to build massive credibility in a very short period of time.

Even then, it's always a numbers game. There are always a few that will do this, you can't catch every fish in the sea.

Factor into your mindset that 1 out of 10 might do this, and you'll become comfortable with the reality. Then you can be happy about and focus on the 9 new clients you got.
Where are all the agents that claim they just like to help people and are not in it for the money? We could just send them these people as referrals.
I agree with Bevo on the sales process. You need to sell yourself, not the plan. They can get that anywhere (carrier,, or another agent). The products you have aren't special. If you begin your interactions with the sell yourself mindset, you'll see your close rate improve. I like talking to seniors - and it shines through when making a first impression.

There are a lot of folks who squirm in the presence of a sales person - even if you are putting pressure on them. In these instances, a personal URL (PURL) that leads to your own shopping site can be pretty useful. You can review with the info with them and they can make their own decision later. If they don't use your site, move on to the next one.