Question About Wholesale Insurance Companies?

Read through my post history. You absolutely can get appointments entirely on your own with a solid business plan & documentation supporting your experience. Downside is you won't be able to feed a handful of carriers on your own. SIAA was great for me but it's only as good as your MA. Id look at smaller groups that are maybe 5-10 agencies if that. If you're generating that business on your own then you'll be making bank in very short order. If you're buying leads or paying telemarketers then you gotta start running numbers. I started my Indy at age 26 or 27 and I'm now 30 and I consider myself very well off already. I do around $65,000 of personal lines premium per month. If u write that kind of business your own everything will take care of itself That being said I have no experience in the NJ market.

So I read a lot of your posts and wanted to ask you a few questions. I work for a semi captive. We use a predictive dialer and they buy hundreds of leads a day which in turn I write a lot of business. After researching, I was thinking about going with iroquois. What are your thoughts? To me, id be making a jump losing out on health benefits and 401k etc, but I am 24. Still live at home but this would be the perfect time to start this i feel but im just nervous. Any reccomendations? Id have to hustle my ass off and STILL probably have to buy leads. Currently, am making about 70k a year. Thoughts please ?