Senate Okays Repeal of 1099 Provision

Repeal, or no repeal.........if there is no money in the piggy bank then its over anyway..........
Agreed. Looks like all the fuzzy math is going to be exposed when the rubber hits the road in 2014 regarding the subsidies.

All kinds of stuff was supposed to pay for the subsidies. Turns out, there's no money.

Without the subsidies nothing else matters - this will never get implemented.
I thought Obama could pull money out of his a$$? Or that pull money out of our A$$es to pay for this Obama health bill? Doesn't Obama funny money grow on trees?
Obama was so confident about the bill that he made sure it wouldn't be fully enacted until he was into his second term.

The part that's been implemented? Non-stop waivers.
Why do only his Union buddies get waivers? Is there something smelling like a poopie Obama diaper here?
Waivers, delays, corrections to the bill... These are the things that will kill the bill slowly. Let's get real. This thing cannot be inacted massively across America by 1/1/2014. Heck, they can't even enact most of the few elements of the law that were supposed to be enacted already. Over 1000 waivers to mini-meds. What a disgrace. This bill was supposed to raise the level of coverage for all Americans, and one of the first things they had to do was allow waivers for mini-meds!! There are waivers for states now. There have been delays to several parts of the law like the 1099 reporting implementation, the discrimination penalties for non-grandfathered plans, etc. There are other delays, some obvious ones where deadlines were extended, and other less obvious ones, like when the govt websites went live by the deadline but were as lacking in facts as a dumb blonde. Other delays that were unintentional include the piddly enrollment in the PCIP high risk pools, even though millions of uninsured Americans qualify for it. And as for rewrites, HHS has been issuing clarifications and corrections like crazy, one of the most hilarious being the issues of no declines or pre-x for children, and then no market for child-only coverage. The law has been on the books 12 months, with very few provisions actually slated to be implemented already, and yet the waivers, delays and corrections are enormous. Why would we believe that 1/1/2014 the whole country will convert to this thing? Won't happen. Perhaps a repeal won't happen (I agree), however death by a thousand papercuts and a million corrections to stupidy will finish it off.
The US is slowly but surely turning into one of those mega millions, multinational corporations that become too big, which ultimately will lead to its demise....sad but true.
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So exactly how are we funding this bill now?

Looks unlikely that anything will be implemented if this is anything to go by:BBC News - US budget deadlock: 'No deal' after White House talks
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