Social Media Marketing

LinkedIn, Facebook Business Page, Twitter, and a blogsite.

I like WordPress for my blog, it has several nice SEO packets, and then I have my blog feed to my other social media sites.
I have been planning to start a WordPress blog...just not there yet, never heard of business page, will have to check it out.
Try to follow people on twitter with similar desires, intents and post nice, informative tweets. They eventually will follow you back. That's how you grow your client base.
All good advice. Just make sure you take the time to post frequently on your FB page once you get it set up. This is the primary way to get more followers/friends and also helps with the search engine optimization factor.
How helpful is a blog? I have been blogging on my new page for a week. How do I know if it is worth it or getting any results?
A blog (WP is fine) is better than a lot of the other suggestions you may hear. You'll need more than a week though. Post a few a week if you can. Pick a key phrase and focus on that each article. Write to your audience and not Google.

And there are a few other SEO-related things you can do to get the blog going. Perhaps one of the SEO people can chime in and suggest a few of them.

Make sure you get advice from persons with an "85" rating or above on this Forum. The ratings are secret so if you need to know someone's rating, just let me know.
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