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Some food for thought when calling your leads!

I cannot beat the call centers but I can pick up the clients that do not buy on the first or second call from them. I have picked up my fair share because I gave them time to pick their plan and not rush into their decision which the call center tend to do.

This has been my observation as well.
Thanks folks great feedback. I have a stack of old leads that I've been paralyzed by. This gives me some insentive that there is still hope. I've been researching going more into health market as my primary focus.
I am not generating the lead volume I would like cold calling only getting about 1 an hour. Are you guys mixing it up when you call some in the afternoon and some in the mornings? Is anybody combining B2B marketing with telemarketing and having any success I would love to hear how others are generating leads? I would like to know if certain times of the day work better.

Here are some things that might help.

1) What approach are you using on the phone (script, outline, etc.)?
2) How many calls are you making an hour?
3) How many pitches are you doing an hour?
4) Do you keep track of this everyday?
That is so true. I know agents who spend hundreds of dollars each month buying leads and the ones they don't sell get thrown in the trash.

I told one of them to send them to me. I would get licensed in that state and sell the hell out of them. Sometimes it may take a year or so, but I will sell a fair number of them.

There are those who will say, "You can't do any good with a "cold lead". I don't care how old the "lead" is. It is still a name of a person who will some day will decide to change their insurance.

I sell insurance all the time to people that I have talked to over 12 months ago.

Give me your tired, hungry... and don't forget to send me your "cold leads". LOL

Some sales organizations call this the "drip" technique/method. Where you drip on them every so often by sending them something in the mail or dropping it by and putting it on their door--something of interest like a news article about helath insurance, a recipe or a household fix it idea. I think it has merit but as with everything--you need to use judgement on the best candidates for this. My Avon lady does this and I must tell you that I would never buy Avon from anyone else.
Here's what I track: 50 dials per hour, 12 actual owners, 4 leads.
I think you are one of those rare individuals who has found out what works for them. The awesome part about that is that you are willing to share. Thanks for all the time you take to answer and help people.
Well I certainly don't do this but it's food for thought:

3 hours a day of cold-calling generating 10 solid leads. Close 1 out of 15 (which is right if you're doing the calls.) That's 3 deals a week on a 20% contract at $3,500 AV = $2,100 per week.

That's six figs with zero lead cost, not hassles with not getting a hold of anyone, no "bad" leads (unless you're gonna generate bad leads for yourself) and not too many people in the country making six figs for 3 hours of cold-calling a day. It would be an additional 2 to 3 hours of following and up writing apps and you're still not at 8 hour days.

I do farm it out since per my above post "if it works it works."

I would be happy with that!!! You make it sound so easy!!
500 calls per placed policy. You better hire someone.

... Or find another line of work... You would be out of business in no time.

The key is to automate as much as possible. Leadpod, Al's Dialer, etc., etc.,

Spend $100 to $300/mo and have the capabilities of 6 agents finger dialing. One could argue you need massive amounts of leads to do this - I disagree. If you can do 8 hours of work in 1 hour - rock on...

The key is having a CONSISTENT and DEFINED WRITTEN process, or you will never be able to measure what does and does not work over time.
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