Telemarketing Leads

All telemarketing for life auto and home is a scam let them show you results first then pay them.

No one works for free. But, if I was going to hire a telemarketing company, I'd want a fair contract & understanding before we started. I'd want to check references. There are companies that do a very good job with telemarketing. Many times there are small, local companies in your community, that do a good job too.
You don't even need telemarketers for this business you just need to network.

IMHO, It depends on how big you want to grow your business! When I had my agencies, I saw it as my job to make the phone ring & give my staff leads to work on. I wanted to build a large agency that would grow into a business that I could sell for a nice sum. Not a business based on just the folks I could write on my own. I did this twice in two different states.

How big is your dream?

So yes, networking is Very important, but it cannot be the only way to drive business to ones agency. I believe if one wants to build an agency that has value, so one has an exit strategy/income to retire on, of building something that has sustainable value...then one does it with multiple staff & marketing. It is a proven method of growing an agency.

How big is your dream?:idea: