Underwriting ? , Trying to Place 30K -

Did you review the policy? Is it UP2 Graded or UP2 Level? Go for the gold: maybe an Assurity replacement and TA Standard.

Yup it was a UP1 which I was surprised considering her COPD medication ----------
Yup it was a UP1 which I was surprised considering her COPD medication
It past the contest ability period...

She was pretty set on keeping that policy.
Maybe the Assurity producers can chime in here.

Assurity Level looks like a possibility for lowest premium.

Second in line would be Transamerica Standard; should sail through without any issues.
Client is 65 female non tobacco.

Albuterol (Inhaler for COPD)
Modafinil (amphetamine)

Looking for 30K in coverage. Initially planning to write UP1 but she already has the Ultra Protector. Sounds like Trans for this one? Eagle series with Americo?

This is in the state of WA as well.


It's always an adventure when you all try to reverse engineer an insured's issues based on their meds... FYI COPD might be a bigger issue to some of your carriers if she ever was a Tobacco user, not just current. If you havecarrir that want to ask questions about the Gabapentin/Tramadol/Modafinil use I'd suggest avoiding them. My best guess is fibromyalgia or some diabetic neuropathy.