Want to Call Business Owners for Insurance

That's why it's called school of hard knocks. You won't believe until you tried. Here's a tip. You aren't the first one who thought of hiring telemarketers to call businesses. :1rolleyes:
Yeah, my own brother says the same things that you say like make appointments and go to the source, and ask for the business eye ball to eye ball. I tell him easier said than done.
I sold a tangible product business to business in NYC for 10 years. I lasted 10 yrs since I cold called every imaginable business.
To make it easy do the following:
Walk into a biz, with your brochure, ask for the person who makes decisions about whatever you are selling.
Ask if they are available.
If not, put their name on the brochure, get their card, or contact info and walk out the door.
Do this 15 to 20 times per day, or whatever number you are comfortable with.
Call back in a few days, and use your talk track you developed.
( Ted Sobczak ..How to sell more in less time with no rejection vol 2 ) and make an appointment.
Go sell them something.

You will be busy, and will make money.

"If it was easy, everyone would be in sales.
Unless there is something different about the state of California, you have to have a P&C license to sell workers' comp. But, please do tell if it is different.

I know of a company that'll help you find life insurance leads with business owners that are generated for you. I've used them with decent success.

I would be vey interested to know what company that is. Do you have a link or a phone number.
I believe with intergrated WC the employer gets a slight RAF discount on the health insurance plan.

Most I ever looked at ended up having to go to State Fund because they had no loss runs.