WellCare Medicare Part D heads up

Wellcare MAPD's came into my area for 2022. If they were the only plan available I would actually consider putting someone on a Med Sup. Would be nice if they would just get a 1* and go away. Sucks their PDP is coming up as best one for most people, the Medica Cost Plan we have does not have prescription plan built in so have to take an individual PDP along with it.
In my case, I ordered supplies weeks ago. All I have are PDP kits, no MAPDs, on the tenth day of AEP. Their network is crummy around here anyway, and United has a kick-butt HMO. Who needs 'em??
Today is the 25th. Is it fixed?

No clue. I won't even look at them. They are the only one I ever get complaints about and now this BS. I'm SO done.

But I have a feeling it is, because I did 10+ and they didn't come up as competitive for anyone. They were close a couple of times and I just told the client "No. You can't stay. I have zero confidence this is right. We need to move"

P.S. I am well aware that Centene combs the internet for disparaging remarks. I'm out on anything they own.
Today is the 25th. Is it fixed?

If you were addressing me, the answer is no, I still don't have sales kits for anything but the PDPs. So I guess no MAPDs this AEP with WellCare unless they decide to ship materials to me. Actually, I did less than a half dozen of them last year so they won't miss me much. Lots of PDPs though.
I’ll call my guy in the know at my FMO tomorrow. I’m still running Medicare Plan Finders, just moving down the ranking and skipping WellCare. Might not be the best for clients but it’s best for me.

I like the way you think....
I currently have 2 T65s from 2021 ending lasso effective 12/31 and going to Med Supp and they have to be GI -- meaning no comp beyond what I got from selling them Lasso.

If that doesn't put just a little bit of a bitter taste in my mouth towards it then I don't know what will.

Both of them same thing: provider issues. Both of them gave the provider guide. Both of them got Lasso involved for "provider support." Both frustrated.

I have others on the book and OK, but not without any hiccups. Did a review with another one - frustrated by hoops and provider issues - but keeping Lasso because its a good deal. A few that love it. Not sure exactly how many Lasso I have maybe 12 or so? But 2 of 12 going GI, and several others frustrated, is no bueno.

Have you found providers in IL to be generally ok with it?

We just got Exemplar - I'm interested to see if they've really "fixed" the issues (they claim to).

Just an update (I know everyone was waiting for this conclusion -- wondering, "will Scott lose out on comp?" "Will he have to suffer through two GI Med Supps?" ..."Should we start a GoFundMe, and, how much should we contribute?")

Well, let's just say it's gone from two to one. The 2nd person who had intended to cancel Lasso just told me that she's going to keep it. She still has over $650 left from her deposit (prorated in February) and she used it for her Rx copays, glasses, and a few medical bills.

She basically said, in re-thinking it - that the fact that she has to pay $0 monthly, has money left over even after using the money for non-Medicare issues, will get another $2,000 on 01/02/2022 -- she still likes it - and screw the providers who find it to be inconvenient. She's come to the realization that she is not in the business of making it convenient for them, lol. She wants $0 monthly!

Love it.