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What are a few (or many) of the fundamentals top producers all follow?

]QUOTE]our agency trainer wrote over $1M on his own pen last year and got paid out over $1.3M in commissions.
Run 30 appointments in those 4 days and you’ll easily make your $10k each week.Our leads system is absolutely amazing.[/QUOTE]

$1M AP in FE business? The average AP is $900. He would have had to write 1100 policies. That's 21 policies a week 52 weeks a year. 21 policies from 30 appointments? 70% close ratio. Must have to buy 50+ leads a week to set 30 appointments. Never seen a FE lead that amazing.
I see Taylor’s with First Family life and we know almost all their big producers sell mortgage Protection. In his picture he looks about 18 yrs old.It’s funny almost every big producer that was doing $350k plus fe is now recruiting . I wonder why that is ? Because few can keep it up yr in and yr out and there’s much more money in selling the dream to others. Insurance is truly a MLM business wether your hiring 1 leg down or 10 legs down .
Just build your book. This is a journey and you are building your future, it's going to take time. I agree get your foot in the door with one product, plant the seed and cross sell. Find more opportunities to help your client. Always follow up and do at least 1 annual review, if your new you can do a couple annual reviews as you will probably have more time to follow up. Really listen to your clients needs and find the solution, and always ask for referrals. If you did a great job they will be happy to give you referrals.
Not necessarily, that's why I asked first if they teach appointment setting. Reason being if you do decide to set appointments you'll need to learn all the little tricks to make it work well. If they're heavy into door knocking, you'll probably want to keep at it. Are they pretty successful?

For sure, alot of people on my team I would say write 3k-4k a week pretty consistently. One of our RVPs I'm friends with here was writing about 300k on his own pen, hit RVP in a year. But like I said, he absolutely grinded. He talks about it all the time to new guys, everyone wants to be successful but no one wants to do what he did. Work 12 hours every day, work every weekend. Just next level activity. And I get that you 100% can get there that way, but honestly, I don't want to work every weekend and make it my freaking life like that lol. I do work hard, but 12 hours a day and every Saturday is not something I can commit to. So if working smarter is something that can be applicable here (which I'm an advocate that you can work smarter in anything you do) then id rather do that vs sheer volume of work hours and door knocks.
I see Taylor’s with First Family life and we know almost all their big producers sell mortgage Protection. In his picture he looks about 18 yrs old.It’s funny almost every big producer that was doing $350k plus fe is now recruiting . I wonder why that is ? Because few can keep it up yr in and yr out and there’s much more money in selling the dream to others. Insurance is truly a MLM business wether your hiring 1 leg down or 10 legs down .

Boom. This. I guess to some extent, every company has a slight MLM element, but it does seem insurance is becoming somewhat exclusively MLM. Not really, but you get it. At least at the place I'm at currently, the upline is totally against hiring (im independent so I could if I wanted though) until you're really ready; you thoroughly understand the products, and are overall ready for a management role, so that's cool. I know some places are heavy on hiring right out the gate.