What commission levels should I be getting ?


New Member
What commission levels "should" FEX agents be getting ? (Assuming the agent has their own lead source, and already knows how to self market and sell policies)

I see on FEXContracting dot com, their "starting" commission schedule.... Their first year commissions seem very competitive. For years 2 and beyond they offer residuals, which I don't see very often from other IMOs. Are IMO's typically not offering the residuals to their downlines, so they can keep the profits for themselves ?

I'm asking these questions because I don't want to join an IMO, and then later realize, I should be getting more commission for the sales I'm making.
What commission levels "should" FEX agents be getting ? (Assuming the agent has their own lead source, and already knows how to self market and sell policies)

I see on FEXContracting dot com, their "starting" commission schedule.... Their first year commissions seem very competitive. For years 2 and beyond they offer residuals, which I don't see very often from other IMOs. Are IMO's typically not offering the residuals to their downlines, so they can keep the profits for themselves ?

I'm asking these questions because I don't want to join an IMO, and then later realize, I should be getting more commission for the sales I'm making.
Renewals, not residuals.

You cannot get higher commissions than thru FEX.

Those published commissions are what are allowed to be published. And anyone can get those levels. Proven producers will get more.

As for renewals, the renewals, like first year, are paid by the companies, not the IMO. But the IMO makes an override on renewals too. They have a say in how much the agent gets.

There’s no danger in buyer’s remorse with FEX Contracting.

If you find it to not be true or just doesn’t fit, they release.

In addition to the commissions you can take advantage of FEX training.

No charge.
What commission levels "should" FEX agents be getting ? (Assuming the agent has their own lead source, and already knows how to self market and sell policies)

I see on FEXContracting dot com, their "starting" commission schedule.... Their first year commissions seem very competitive. For years 2 and beyond they offer residuals, which I don't see very often from other IMOs. Are IMO's typically not offering the residuals to their downlines, so they can keep the profits for themselves ?

I'm asking these questions because I don't want to join an IMO, and then later realize, I should be getting more commission for the sales I'm making.
I’m asked quite often by agents who call why our commission levels are higher than other places they’ve looked at. Our commissions are not high. They are the same normal commissions that we’ve always offered.

if you are seeing substantially lower commissions, you are probably looking at places that are pyramids style recruiting agencies. at those agencies they’re going to pay the guy who recruited you a cut the guy above him a cut the guy recruited him a cut. The guy recruited him a cut. He’ll probably have six or seven people getting a cut of your commission every time you make a sale.

Once you get away from those Pyramid-style agencies you will usually find commissions very similar to ours. Agencies like ours that give you a fair commission levels, good lead options, good training and a good choice of carriers. Don’t have to be all over Facebook trying to spam you to death. Agents eventually find us. That’s why when you’re new to the industry, you think those agencies that are spamming you and have 1 million recruiters attacking you all over Facebook are the norm. At first that’s the only ones you generally notice.
What commission levels "should" FEX agents be getting ? (Assuming the agent has their own lead source, and already knows how to self market and sell policies)

I see on FEXContracting dot com, their "starting" commission schedule.... Their first year commissions seem very competitive. For years 2 and beyond they offer residuals, which I don't see very often from other IMOs. Are IMO's typically not offering the residuals to their downlines, so they can keep the profits for themselves ?

I'm asking these questions because I don't want to join an IMO, and then later realize, I should be getting more commission for the sales I'm making.
You can check here too.

Contact Todd for high comp,good companies,training.
Good people to work with,very reliable and truthful.
Transamerica showed the hierarchies above you. I was at 130% and i still had 4 different people overriding me. If your at 80% you’ll have 9 levels above your overriding you .
Now now Jd.

We know plenty of places offer the same as FEX with comp….

In fact our PFA Life comp is higher. ;)
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moer agencies and IMO pay renewals they just don’t post it as final expense is really a first year product.

My agency offers a blended approach to life a medicare sales. Offering comparable levels to FEX, as well as a path to 8-15k /m in medicare renewals within 4 yrs.

Feel free to contact me more ask more here.
Now now Jd.

We know plenty of places offer the same as FEX with comp….

In fact our PFA Life comp is higher. ;)
Now, now, I didn't say there wasn't equal. Don't get your panties in a wad. I said you won't get higher. And you won't.

Yes, you pay higher first year on PFA but took it out of renewals. So the "comp" is not higher. To the agent only concerned with first year commissions it will appear higher. Which I suppose is the point.
I’m far less worried about year 5-6-7 when most of the clients will be dead, lapsed or re-written for the 3rd time.

I’m far more worried about getting agents stable on medicare renewals in by year 5-6-7.

Overall it’s the full package a agency offere that matters.
I’m far less worried about year 5-6-7 when most of the clients will be dead, lapsed or re-written for the 3rd time.

I’m far more worried about getting agents stable on medicare renewals in by year 5-6-7.

Overall it’s the full package an agency offere that matters.
I agree. And the full package on PFA with you is not higher than with FEX.

I haven't checked your offerings or even know where to check but I was told that your 1st year with PFA is 115%. That's the same as FEX 1st year for anyone.
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