What the Heck?

Look deasy all I'm saying is this:

This guy you ran into is a rank amateur. Given the unemployment rate in our economy right now he's probably some laid off architect who got prayed on by some sleazy district or regional sales manager from some captive company that promised him 6 figures, stable work, recession proof etc. etc.

He was doing what his manager told him to do because he didn't know any better and all he really wanted to do was provide for his family because his unemployment benefits were running out.

Then here you come, the "Sheriff of Nottingham," you snitch on this poor guy, which will cause him to get fired, lose his license, probably a fine, he'll be late on his mortgage, have to drop his COBRA and look his little girl in the eye when she tells him that her "belly hurts" because she's hungry. Bravo deasy!!! Bravo!!! You did real good.

Let me tell you what the real AMERICAN thing to do is. You should have called him up like you did and simply said that what he is doing is wrong he's going to eventually get busted and that its going to end really bad for him, and if he wants to sell insurance the right way, to come meet you for lunch and offer to mentor him.

Instead, what you did is 1984 style Nazi sympathizer, Iron Fist, Soviet snitching. You ran and tattled on some poor schmo that couldn't hold a candle to you anyway.

Its citizen snitching on citizen. That's exactly what keeps tyrants in power and in this case CMS is a tyrant. They limit our free speech and decide our compensation. How much more tyrannical can you get?

What was the last good thing CMS has ever done for you? Did they consult with you or with ANY agent regarding new regulations? No. We, as agents do more good in our communities and help more beneficiaries then they ever will, yet they continue to treat us like dirt. They need to be on our side but they have chosen to be against us.

I'm just saying that life is not black and white and your decisions can have a profound impact on peoples everyday lives. Look, I'm an old man and I remember the good old days when someone's house burned down the local insurance agent went down the next day with a check in hand. Now, they send some snooty claims guy over to your place a week later and he looks for reasons not to pay, its pathetic. The entire industry has become so black and white when life is full of gray. Just look at Humana.

Yeah, that's who you are, you are the Humana of insurance agents. You probably take that as a compliment.
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LTC FOCUS SAID- " For the record I don't break the rules, I dont sell MA's or PDP's, I don't refer them out either. That market is dead. CMS killed it. Anyone that still sells them is hack too.

I just think it's petty to snitch the way you do. I can tell you get high off of it. You probably feel real good about yourself afterwards and you want to high 5 all your friends but you don't have any. It's very immature.
Amen.....Amen.........Amen............Any agent that wasted his time calling up another agent to bitch about some stupid rules being broken is a complete joke! I take a deep pride in the fact that in my 20 + years in this business I have never stooped to the level of that or turning other agents in to the Dept of Insurance. I dont buy into the always being positive attitude all the time but in this case I do. It does me no good to waste my time trying to get other agents in trouble or to call them up and bitch at them. Theres just way too much negativity getting yourself all worked up like that. If the guy is selling MA's and PDP's hes wasting his time and is a hack just like you said.
I would say more on this subject, but I feel that I won't be able to say anything that hasn't already been said by people far more educated and enlighten than I am. So here is what they have to say on the matter:

"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends than that good men should look on and do nothing."~John Stuart Mill, "On Education" (1867)

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." – Thomas Jefferson.

"The only thing required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. " -Thomas Paine
see answer above
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A nation of people who does not police themselves is a nation of people that needs Big Brother to do it for them. You ask why we have strict legislation? Perhaps because we can't prove that we can keep ourselves and each other honest, so we need Big Brother to do it for us.
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see answer above
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A nation of people who does not police themselves is a nation of people that needs Big Brother to do it for them. You ask why we have strict legislation? Perhaps because we can't prove that we can keep ourselves and each other honest, so we need Big Brother to do it for us.

You seem confused. Free markets have a way of regulating themselves. Weather a market is free or it is heavily regulated, you will ALWAYS have hacks or fly-by-nights or whatever you want to call them. The problem is the "good guys" always suffer when regulation comes in and ultimately the consumer suffers in the end. The "good guys" won't jump through hoops, they're professionals, they will find a way to serve the public in a different capacity (ie. med supps instead of MA's). The "hacks" won't jump through hoops either because they don't care. The only thing regulation does in the long run is push the "good guys" out and leave the public with a pool of hacks.

The recent CMS regulations were nothing more than a power grab. If they were really focused on improving the marketplace they would have consulted with the "good guys" on how to reduce the hacks. But they didn't. They consulted with CEO's of MA companies who then saw this as an opportunity to greatly reduce their commission expense (by 50%) thus increasing their profits and their bonus. The CEO's threw their agents under the bus so they could buy fancier art for their villas.

The market was beginning to police itself just fine, the only thing the regulations did is bring in more hacks.
Oh my, quoting Ayn Rand, the godess of libertarian thinking!

IMO it is incumbent upon every citizen to uphold the law and report a violation thereof. To just let a scoundrel get away with this crap only tends to cause the problem to multiply. One may not agree with the law, but it should be obeyed as long as it is not an illegal law, which is a matter for debate. I will now get off my soapbox! Good work, jdeasy!!!
Yeah well I too will not blow in another fellow agent for trying to make a living. Fraud is one thing, it hurts the buyer. But not following communistic rules in how to sell and what time of year by the light of the moon is not what this country was founded on. But it looks like this people and this generation are squealers and therefore, the Republic is sunk. The pox on you and your house! Shame on you!!