Why We Mention VA Enrollment on PDP/MAPD Apps?


1000 Post Club
Had this question today. All I could say up front was that it doesn't affect eligibility for MAPD or PDP.

Looking for more info, I note that (and was probably in AHIP) VA RX benefits are creditable coverage to avoid LEP for PDP.

One good reason to mention that coverage, just in case. It's also simply a question to answer correctly.

Any other reasons it would be important to document?
OK, MSA, yes, AHIP memories again for me, we don't have MSA's in my state. Also, as G Gordon says, document the other coverage if they get an MA plan with no PDP coverage.
I doubt the plans could really tell you. The question is built into the CMS example of the enrollment application which all plans base their own applications on.
I think it's a coordination thing. The V.A. Ask veterans all the time if they have other insurance.

That's it and also I believe there may be some extra funding for MA plans like they get when MA member or spouse is still working because it's less money the guvment has to subsidize VA or Group Health Plans if members had chose to get their medical and rx benefits that way instead.