YIG leads

We (FexContracting) have used them for several years as one of our backup lead vendors.

The Good:
1. They can get you leads consistently in most areas. They are not oversaturated like some of the other lead vendors.
2. Wording on the leads is generally pretty good. But they reserve the right to change it if you’re mailing in an area that gets bad returns. None of them seem horrible though.
3. Income filter is built in at no extra cost $10,000-$50,000.
4. The guy running the lead program is very good and gives great customer service.

The bad:
1. Age range- They insist on mailing ages 50-85. That’s too wide of an age range. Most of our experience with them have been a good mix of ages meaning that you didn’t get real heavy in the early 50s or the 80 Plus ages. But recently that has gotten worse in some areas. I’ve had a couple of agents recently that I’ve had 50% of their leads come in on age 80+ which I gave them lead credits on but I am not reimbursed for those leads by YIG so it gets expensive for an IMO to do that.
2. Two leads from the same address is not credible. This hasn’t been a huge problem but if two adults live at the same house and are not married they will get mailed twice and often both will send the card in. When that happens I give the agent a lead credit but it is not reimbursed by YIG so if it happens too often they can get very expensive.

Overall I would rate it as a better option than Need A Lead or the lead connection on their set cost programs. But not near as good as the Rgi set cost program. However the lead connection and Need A Lead are both excellent choices if you do the price per thousand mailing.