Is There a Website or a Resource that Shows Different Company/product Performance


100+ Post Club
Im looking for one site or a place that shows how different IUL products have performed over the years.. I would also like to know where I can get the info on companies paying out dividends for WL insurance.

For IUL products... none exists that I know of. Plus, in order to have it be compliant, you would have to have it related to prevailing interest rates and how cap rates changed as interest rates changed.

For WL... it's kind of the same thing. But just because a company declares a 7% dividend does NOT mean that a policy EARNS 7% in that same year. Declared dividends does not equal policy performance or rate of return.

A big factor in how a life insurance policy performs is the underwriting class of the insured as well as how the policy is structured.

If you're chasing returns in life insurance... don't bother. It's a losing battle. Even Ben Feldman said that dividend projections are merely estimates. Some companies have higher estimates than others.

Pick 1-3 GOOD companies, learn their products and how to structure them effectively. Once you learn how to do that, you can show that compared to a base-only policy and compare the two's performance. This way, you can sell YOURSELF and get your clients to buy into your professionalism... over your product.

That would be the best way to serve your clients.
Roger Blease issues performance rankings of WL. Not sure if he is doing the same for IUL or not.

As most of you know, there is no way to 100 %accurately rank either IUL or WL. Plus his report is for just Base Premium I think. But it is at least a benchmark.

Brandon over at does IUL and WL performance comparisons and rankings too.