From Colorado - Have Thousands of Questions

Hi all, I'm James.

Not new to sales, but new to insurance. I've been doing this for about a month and while I enjoy it, oh do I need to get better at it.

The company I work for provides leads, but the quality is a mixed bag. Sometimes $2,000 ALP, sometimes $150. Sometimes everyone in the pack has been seen by another agent in the past 2 months, sometimes they're all fresh.

Because I dislike depending on luck, I'm going to take company leads as supplemental and start producing my own on top of it. Door-to-door seems to be the best method so far, so where would I go for tips and tricks on that one?

Second, where do I find policy information from other companies? I want to know the details and in-and-outs of (at least the major carriers) exclusions, prices, terms, conditions, details, etc? Is there anywhere I can go to get that? Or do I have to trick some other agent to come talk to me?

So, where here on the forum would I find this? Or who would I ask? Or... whatever, just point me in some productive direction.

Hope you're all loving your jobs and getting rich!