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25 y/o - Depression / Anxiety - on Probation . . .

Being depressed does not cause someone to commit suicide. The depression may cause them to feel down and possibly not want to live, but they must still choose to take their own life.

Her build is the result of her choices and no other factor. She chose to eat what she ate, and that's why she is fat. Being depressed cannot physically cause anyone to eat food, nor can it cause someone to not exercise.
I think that being depressed is why people commit suicidesee how being . Sure they have to decide to take their own life, but they do it because they're depressed...not because they're happy.

As far as the weight, she might be 'big boned", but seriously, sometimes genetics are involved and I can see how being really overweight could make you depressed. I think a lot of women eat when they're depressed. That's probably why there are so many butter balls around.:yes:

I agree that we're responsible for the choices we make, but I think that depression can be the cause of some bad ones.
Unless there is more that hasn't been posted, what choices did she make? She is suffering from depression, perhaps that is the reason her build is so bad and why she tried to commit suicide? Also, we have no idea why she is on probation, perhaps it is also related?

I'm sure she has made some bad decisions, but until you know more, to say she doesn't deserve it is a bit strong.

As far as insurable, not a chance in hell. Also, the agent knows she tried to commit suicide 2 months ago, I bet the company would love to know that before issuing a policy.

Seems the prospect "threatened" to commit suicide - didn't actually try or do it. She was admitted for 5 days to a Mental Health Clinic for Depression. Not asked on the application.

Probation isn't drug related. Not asked on the application.

There seems to be two carriers that based on the Application and Questions - would possibly provide 1st day level coverage. But - that is going to be an UW decision.

As an Agent - my responsibility is in asking the questions that are on the application. It's not my place to judge or recite any "assumptions" that I may have.
I think that being depressed is why people commit suicidesee how being . Sure they have to decide to take their own life, but they do it because they're depressed...not because they're happy.

As far as the weight, she might be 'big boned", but seriously, sometimes genetics are involved and I can see how being really overweight could make you depressed. I think a lot of women eat when they're depressed. That's probably why there are so many butter balls around.:yes:

I agree that we're responsible for the choices we make, but I think that depression can be the cause of some bad ones.

She is big because her entire family is big . . .

Depression is a very common, yet very serious situation. I'm surprised that a few applications do not ask that question . . .
Seems the prospect "threatened" to commit suicide - didn't actually try or do it. She was admitted for 5 days to a Mental Health Clinic for Depression. Not asked on the application.

Probation isn't drug related. Not asked on the application.

There seems to be two carriers that based on the Application and Questions - would possibly provide 1st day level coverage. But - that is going to be an UW decision.

As an Agent - my responsibility is in asking the questions that are on the application. It's not my place to judge or recite any "assumptions" that I may have.

Great, call up underwriting for the company and tell them she threatened to commit suicide and was committed for 5 days, tell them you'd like to submit and see what they say.

You are just begging to get this hung around your neck.
Great, call up underwriting for the company and tell them she threatened to commit suicide and was committed for 5 days, tell them you'd like to submit and see what they say.

You are just begging to get this hung around your neck.

If they wanted to know these things - you would think they would ask the question(s) on the application - right?

May just go GIWL and that CalStar Term . . .
If they wanted to know these things - you would think they would ask the question(s) on the application - right?

May just go GIWL and that CalStar Term . . .

You're funny.

Get a few of those "We're looking to blame you letters" when someone dies within 2 years and you'll learn to avoid such obvious traps.

Never, ever forget that contractually you are an agent of the company and have a duty to them.
You're funny.

Get a few of those "We're looking to blame you letters" when someone dies within 2 years and you'll learn to avoid such obvious traps.

Never, ever forget that contractually you are an agent of the company and have a duty to them.

I don't get it? The agent asks the questions that are on the application and the prospect answers them . . . As long as I don't know that the prospect is lying and allow them to answer yes / no when I know it isn't true - how am I being negligent?

The application doesnt ask if the prospect was an inpatient at clinic - nor - does it ask if the prospect was convicted of a crime nor if the Prospect is on probation.

I'm truthfully submitting the application based on the questions asked and answered.
I think that being depressed is why people commit suicidesee how being . Sure they have to decide to take their own life, but they do it because they're depressed...not because they're happy.

As far as the weight, she might be 'big boned", but seriously, sometimes genetics are involved and I can see how being really overweight could make you depressed. I think a lot of women eat when they're depressed. That's probably why there are so many butter balls around.:yes:

I agree that we're responsible for the choices we make, but I think that depression can be the cause of some bad ones.

There is no disease, condition or genetic profile or defect that causes any human being to gain body fat when they have a caloric deficit. Gaining body fat is 100% and irrefutably the cause of a caloric excess. It's impossible to gain fat if you do not oversupply your body with food.

A person's genetics dictates many things such as muscle shape, metabolism, body fat distribution, as well as many other things. What genetics can't do in any scenario is create fat when the body is not supplied with a caloric excess. For example, weigh loss surgery (bariatric surgery) is nothing more than a way to forcibly restrict caloric intake. Obese people only lose weight post surgery because they physically cannot eat like they use to. This process results in caloric deficits so they lose fat. Nothing about their metabolism or genetics change. It's 100% their food intake. All fat people are fat because they take in more calories than they burn. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Lastly, you cannot say "depression can be the cause". The cause is that she chose. You could say that depression influences her decision, but it's not the cause. There is no scenario where the choice isn't 100% hers (like all of us).

The problem with dialogue such as yours is that it enables destructive behavior. Telling this woman (or anyone) that these bad choices aren't entirely her fault only cripples her. The truth must be told even if it's painful. To do otherwise, is weak and breeds bad behavior.
So - if an Agent heard through a prospects Mom, that the prospect threatened to commit suicide, but didn't - and instead went into a Mental Health Clinic to get treated for Depression and also is on Probation for a non-drug / alcohol issue - should that Agent report that to the Carrier even if the Carrier's applications asks none of those questions?

I want to provide this prospects Family protection for her child - but, don't want to write the case if it's unethical. Thoughts?