67-year-old Female, TIA 1 1/2 Years Ago

Settlers Rx Guide:

Reduce risk of Heart Attack, Stroke,
Circulation problems, after having a
Heart Attack or stroke.

That must fall under their definition of "treatment":

Our final expense applications ask if the proposed insured has been diagnosed with, been treated for, or been
prescribed medications for certain conditions within a two or five year time period.
We all understand that if we are currently taking medication for a particular medical impairment, we are
being treated.
In addition to medication we
Settlers Rx Guide: Plavix (Clopidogrel) Reduce risk of Heart Attack, Stroke, Circulation problems, after having a Heart Attack or stroke. That must fall under their definition of "treatment": DEFINITION OF "TREATMENT" Our final expense applications ask if the proposed insured has been diagnosed with, been treated for, or been prescribed medications for certain conditions within a two or five year time period. We all understand that if we are currently taking medication for a particular medical impairment, we are being treated. In addition to medication we

That and their hatred of diabetes is why they can't be a go to company.
taking Plavix since the TIA along with a couple of BP medications, and Advair for seasonal asthma. Looking for first day coverage if possible, I know TA is out with the Advair & TIA in last 2 years.

Possibly KSKJ Level Standard or Philadelphia American Modified Graded.