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Agents Looking For Lead Sources...Read This!!!


5 appts per day on avg (25 per week in avg...some no-show me or reschedule).

Monday-Friday and if needed on a weekend for an appt or two.

I work about 11 counties with a 1 1/2 hour radius from my house. So potentially one appt could be somewhere and the next appt up to 3 hours away. An hour apart if working in city of San Antonio. 1 1/2 or more if scattered across the 11 counties I work. We try and get them in clusters for efficiency.

Start when the 1st client wants to see me. Ends when the last client is willing to see me. Usually 10-6ish. I will work weekends if a client can only be seen during that time. I try to run to the money, not away from it.

When I was starting out I worked many Saturdays and even Sundays to get my business going. I would door knock on those two days not set appointments.

I do many different things at this point of my career now that we have a system in place that is very efficient and profitable. Starting out you have to be scrappy and persistent to capture all the business you can whenever you can.

I've tried Lee's internet leads and my results were the worst of any lead source I've ever used. Either I suck at working Ileads or I'm working them wrong. Do you work those differently than say TM or DM leads?
I have ALWAYS worked the inner city. Only inner city I didn't do good with was inner city Chicago. For most people I might not recommend it, especially starting out. ---------- In other words I work all hours of the day. If a client can only meet at 7 AM then I will meet at 7 AM. If they can only meet at 9 PM I will meet at 9 PM. But normally we TRY and set up the schedule from 9am to 6pm. Sometimes some clients can't meet within those time frames, so we book em when it's convenient for them. ---------- The leads are all very similar. We might change a few words here and there to remind them how we retrieved their information. Other than that it's business as usual.
You keep them on the books?? I heard the persistency is a nightmare with inner city folk?
I've tried Lee's internet leads and my results were the worst of any lead source I've ever used. Either I suck at working Ileads or I'm working them wrong. Do you work those differently than say TM or DM leads?

Only problem with Lees leads are they are ad clicks geared towards people using their smart phones. not the best type of people in my opinion.
most people tell me they saw it on facebook

So someone 60+ years old on FB clicks a banner ad? Interesting.

Has Lee been refining his lead qualifying? When I was ordering Lee's leads I found that many of them had a fake phone number. Sometimes they had a fake address or email. With internet leads, there's just no way to prevent that from happening I guess. I'm sure Lee will offer a credit. Do these people click a box stating that they agree to have an agent call them on the phone?