Anyone Know of Companies That Don't Check Vector One?

I was terminated from a particular captive agency on 3/11/21... 5 months later to the date 08/11/2021 I received a letter from the company saying that I was being sent to vector one for about $14K in debt accrued from 6 months of unearned advances. Not sure how that even works seeing as how I hadn't written a policy since January of 2021. In January of 2022 I submitted a dispute form with Vector one disputing the said amount of debt owed. Vector One responded with great speed and in about 5 business days I received a letter stating that if the company could not verify the debt by 02/22 that the debt would be removed from my vector report. Today is 2/28/22 and I have yet to receive anything validating the debt from the company nor have I heard from vector one. Is there a way to check to see if the debt has been removed? should I wait a little longer? Is there anyone that can help?

Read the thread. A couple people have answered.

Good luck
There is an underhanded manner to solve some debts that I used against a health agency years ago. In the endorsement space on the back of a check I wrote "Endorsement Constitutes Payment In Full". I had been sent a letter demanding 1400.00 and a letter to return with my acknowledgement of the debt, agreement to a payback schedule, and the scheduled monthly payment. I sent a check with that notice on the back, made sure I had front and back copies, and got a copy of the check once it cleared. I've never heard from them since and that was over 10 years ago