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Anyone selling Uhc short term plans?

Im looking to get back into the industry after a bit of a hiatus and was looking for feedback on selling UHC’s short term products. Anyone selling them? If so how is it going?
Thank you guys for responding. I’m trying to see how the short term industry is doing before going all in on it. Anyone selling 5-7 STM policies a week??
GoldenBrotherIns said:

Anyone selling 5-7 STM policies a week??

I would say, 2-3 years ago I used to get a lot of recruting calls to wfh on a dialer to sell these plans (stacking with ancillaries). Not anymore. I hear most of the money is made during OEP.

BUT I also have a few contracts with an FMO out of TX called North American Health Plans. They're big producers for fixed indemnity products such as Philadelphia American and Manhattan Life. They also sell STM, etc. I belong to their FB group and they're a nice supportive bunch, no trash talking. They are always posting numbers and several of them go on the trips.

I'm not involved in selling the Under 65 products, although I'm appointed with some because my National General contract is being held hostage forever.

You may want to reach out to them.
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BUT I also have a few contracts with an FMO out of TX called North American Health Plans. They're big producers for fixed indemnity products such as Philadelphia American and Manhattan Life.
You may want to reach out to them.
yea....or you might not....fixed indemnity plans are trash......

yea....or you might not....fixed indemnity plans are trash......

My States DOI Commish doesn't like STM. She suspended 12 producer licenses a few years back, due to deceptive marketing practices.

I haven't heard anything about the indemnity plans, except the brokers I hear selling them stack them and sometimes that includes STM.
I haven't heard anything about the indemnity plans, except the brokers I hear selling them stack them and sometimes that includes STM.
and thats the problem....by the time you stack plans to try and make a complete plan its more expensive than the ACA.....and you still have holes......

by the time you stack plans to try and make a complete plan its more expensive than the ACA.....and you still have holes......

What do you suggest adding to a STM to fill in the holes for a hospital stay, cancer and lab tests? Or an all-around affordable package? UHC has some add-ons to their STM plans.

Add hospital indemnity, standalone cancer and maybe a MEC?
What do you suggest adding to a STM to fill in the holes for a hospital stay, cancer and lab tests?
First off the last thing you want to be on is a STM plan with cancer because it will end before you are cured so you are left high and dry....and there are no caps on STM plans so why the need to add anything to it.....