Assurant Pulls the Plug Who's Next?

Re: Assurant Cuts Commission to 0% in Over Half the Country

You'll just have to make up for it in volume....
Re: Assurant Pulling Out

They are publicly traded company, no? cant do that ****, Stockholder Value is #1 always.
Re: Assurant Cuts Commission to 0% in Over Half the Country

everyone gets a $0 premium bronze plan w/ $100 CI policy. going forward.
Your links are coming off my websites. To underestimate the value of an INDEPENDENT agent that you don't have to pay payroll taxes on and office overhead on and health insurance costs and that the agent pays his own expenses. ASSURANT what are you thinking you're not thinking. Bye bye I threw my literature in the trash already
Re: Assurant Cuts Commission to 0% in Over Half the Country

I've seen this paragraph by a well known company and it remains to be seen when they do not need their valuable sales partner anymore, which I believe is very close, year after next.

Assurant Health remains committed to the individual marketplace and to you, our valuable distribution partner. We are looking forward to the next Open Enrollment period beginning October 1, 2015, and to offering a full suite of ACA-compliant major medical plan options to support you and your customers as we work together for your sales success.

The only difference, of course, is that Assurant will pay all commissions for policies already on the books. Blue will probably do it retroactively and charge back everything they've paid out for the prior 6 months.

I will not write another policy for them after tomorrow, whether it be major med, supplemental, or anything else, they are in my permanent penalty box for gross misconduct.

I don't work for free:no::no::no::no::no::1mad::1mad::1mad::1mad:
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This part of the email sticks in my craw:

"We continue to have many supplemental options as well as Short Term Medical in these markets, and look forward to working with you on these product opportunities."

Why sure Assurant, even though you crapped the bed and then crapped on agents, I'll be happy to peddle your other products anyway.

Doesn't matter. I should be receiving a rather large check from the Nigerian prince any day now.
This part of the email sticks in my craw:

"We continue to have many supplemental options as well as Short Term Medical in these markets, and look forward to working with you on these product opportunities."

Why sure Assurant, even though you crapped the bed and then crapped on agents, I'll be happy to peddle your other products anyway.

Doesn't matter. I should be receiving a rather large check from the Nigerian prince any day now.

In my mind, this part is worse, much worse, it must have been written by some corporate hack compliance PR guy trying to make it sound like they were committed to this market:

Assurant Health remains committed to the individual marketplace and to you, our valuable distribution partner. We are looking forward to the next Open Enrollment period beginning October 1, 2015, and to offering a full suite of ACA-compliant major medical plan options to support you and your customers as we work together for your sales success.

Assurant, you just said agents are worthless for ACA compliant plans, who do you think you're fooling?
Assurant can kiss my arse.... this morning their little witch called me and i told her to go pee pee up a rope... please term the contract.... i told her she can't be trusted and would never deal with them again... don't care their comp next year... little mickey mouse player in the big boys league... they need to go teets up and go play in their fringe market like they always have... this is the big boys table


btw... sold none of they product this year
Assurant Drops Commissions to 0% Effective (almost) Immediately

Well, that sure didn't last long. Assurant didn't make it through two full months of open enrollment before withdrawing from the market in seven (out of 16) states.

On January 14, 2015, Assurant announced via email that it "has made the decision to reduce individual major medical commissions in Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Texas to 0% for new business." This change in commission "will apply to all new business submitted on or after January 19, 2015 with an effective date on or after March 1, 2015."

In the same email, Assurant states that it "remains committed to the individual marketplace and" to its "valuable distribution partner." It also reiterates that the company is "looking forward to the next Open Enrollment" beginning Oct. 1, 2015 when it plans to offer a "full suite of ACA-compliant major medical plan options" to support its (ever-so-important) sales force.

To all the (incompetent) folks (trying to run the show) in Milwaukee (at Assurant), good night and would the last one out please turn out the lights? This party is so over.
