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Business Reply Card = Scope of Appointment?

It only took me 3 years of re-certifying before I felt comfortable selling MA/PDP.

Now when a lead comes in, I email them the SOA, with an explanation of what it is, and the reasoning behind it before calling to set/confirm the appointment.

I get a better conversion rate with the explanation, and I think it filters out some the tire-kickers!

I started when the original PDP came out in 2005. I watched the market change in such a way that a "complaint" could be made and the agent would need to jump through hoops to get it taken care of. Had 1 of my own and it left me distrustful of the system as I made sure to dot i's and cross t's (it was unfounded but still left me with a bad taste in my mouth). Back then a PDP was worth about $35 bucks and a MA ran around $150 or $180. (Had an FMO at the time.) It makes a great marketing tool for ancillary products that commission much higher, no doubt. Still a bit gun shy, but I still help folks when I can, just not confined like those who are certified.
The difference is that being NOT compliant can get your license taken away. That's the difference.
All the years I have done this and only seen ONE agent get license taken away--and other agents, carriers and clients had to chase the gummint agencies all over the world to get them to act.

So a BRC has the effect of a SOA---but I cant contact them in person. Correct?

Is there ANYWHERE that the new "ruling" is in plain English?

THIS is why we MUST STOP all these "regulations" that are never acted on by elected officials, never have any relation to reality, yet they are often more invasive and more damaging than laws. GOds sake
It only took me 3 years of re-certifying before I felt comfortable selling MA/PDP.

Now when a lead comes in, I email them the SOA, with an explanation of what it is, and the reasoning behind it before calling to set/confirm the appointment.

I get a better conversion rate with the explanation, and I think it filters out some the tire-kickers!

I have maybe 50-100 clients that actually use email. Many have cell phones but have no clue how to text. Many still have landlines--that they DONT ANSWER even though they have sent me a card which says I am going to call them. So in order to serve them properly and give them the information they need--I have to throw away the lead in order to satisy the "letter" of a "reg"--not a law.

Not fussing with you dont get me wrong. All this crud that impedes the ability for Seniors to get full reliable information and for business to proceed in a somewhat normal way just ticks me off
Not fussing with you dont get me wrong. All this crud that impedes the ability for Seniors to get full reliable information and for business to proceed in a somewhat normal way just ticks me off

Agreed! Like the SOTU address that talked about the road that took 10 years to build. I look at things this way, if it where my mom and dad (and I weren't an agent) I would want them to know all the options not just the one's the gov. says the agent can discuss.

Funny thing... when it comes to annuities they want all the cards on the table... when it comes to this stuff you better only talk about what your allowed to.
All the years I have done this and only seen ONE agent get license taken away--and other agents, carriers and clients had to chase the gummint agencies all over the world to get them to act.

So a BRC has the effect of a SOA---but I cant contact them in person. Correct?

Is there ANYWHERE that the new "ruling" is in plain English?

THIS is why we MUST STOP all these "regulations" that are never acted on by elected officials, never have any relation to reality, yet they are often more invasive and more damaging than laws. GOds sake

To my understanding...that is not a correct statement. If they send in the BRC, call them and set the appointment. If they bring up having an Advantage plan or anything about it, just tell them you have to get them to sign a form and then you can talk about it. Don't make this hard. Keep it simple.
To my understanding...that is not a correct statement. If they send in the BRC, call them and set the appointment. If they bring up having an Advantage plan or anything about it, just tell them you have to get them to sign a form and then you can talk about it. Don't make this hard. Keep it simple.

But doesn't that still require a separate appointment? It seems to come to my memory they can sign the form, but it you still can't speak with them beyond the scope of the original appointment.

Dang any way... if we can't get this straight... convoluted mess if you ask me.
But doesn't that still require a separate appointment? It seems to come to my memory they can sign the form, but it you still can't speak with them beyond the scope of the original appointment.

Dang any way... if we can't get this straight... convoluted mess if you ask me.

No, they took away the 24 hour wait this year. One of the best things CMS has done in quite some time! They probably got tired of seeing all the explanations for not waiting 24 hours as, "Inconvenient for the client", and figured they weren't going to beat agents on that. They probably figured they might as well give into logic at this point!

It's probably the same logic they used when they finally understood they could NOT stop agents from calling current clients. They gave in on that as well.
Yes people it’s actually EASIER this year. No 24 hour rule. Just read one of the 20 emails you get about it or all the training that tells you.
No, they took away the 24 hour wait this year. One of the best things CMS has done in quite some time! They probably got tired of seeing all the explanations for not waiting 24 hours as, "Inconvenient for the client", and figured they weren't going to beat agents on that. They probably figured they might as well give into logic at this point!

It's probably the same logic they used when they finally understood they could NOT stop agents from calling current clients. They gave in on that as well.

I stopped selling those back in 09 if i recall. Nice to know that 9 yrs later they get it figured out.
To my understanding...that is not a correct statement. If they send in the BRC, call them and set the appointment. If they bring up having an Advantage plan or anything about it, just tell them you have to get them to sign a form and then you can talk about it. Don't make this hard. Keep it simple.

Not ME making it hard--its CMS--harder on consumers, carriers, agents

How many BILLIONS a year do you suppose is washed down the john with ANOCs and disclaimers and blah blah blah that no one understands and no one reads?

Call them and make the appointment is the issue I'm dealing with----DM leads maybe 30-50% answer the phone--many of those say they didn't send anything in (Which is why I DONT call FE leads)
