Buying a Laptop

anybody knows if winflex will work for apple?
i gat a mac pro

The *** Winflex programmers made BOTH their software and their website Microsoft-centric.

If you run Windows on your Mac by either using VMWare or Parallels or BootCamp, both will run just fine. I do it all the time (via Parallels... but I'm going to try the free VirtualBox on my next Mac that I'm getting in June.)

I've not tried the web version for quite some time so maybe they have changed it to work with Firefox and Chrome.

One tip: If you are going to virtualize Windows with VMWare or Parallels make sure you have 2 GB of RAM memory. It will run fine in 1 GB but the rest of the Mac runs slower than you want. Memory is cheap... buy it from Crucial. It is easy to put in a MacBook. There are lots of show-and-tell websites as well as video's that show how. If "all thumbs" I can do it anyone can!

I'd have to second the Mac. I'm not sure about the ring, but she is sure sweet. A computer you can take home to Mom. :)

Plus, you can run window$ if you need to. Sorry to say I do for some insurance co. software. Oh well... But Mac OSX rules.

Windows for Solitare...
Linux for servers.
Mac for productivity...

Windows for Solitare...
Linux for servers.
Mac for productivity...

I thought I was the only person on the planet who ran a life/health/DI/LTC agency on a Mac.

I used to run the agency on Linux (Debian) but when my fax died and I needed to scan paper so I could send them to maxemail com to fax, I changed to the Mac because the scanner I had would simply not work with Linux but worked great out of the box with the Mac.

Windows 7 is due out... but so far I've not seen anything in it that compels me to want to change.

Everyone runs one or another system for a particular reason. For some it is ability to run special software. For others it is ease-of-use. Some folks like the "geekness" of a Linux. I run the Mac because it is actually a Unix system (BSD, actually) with about a ton of lipstick on that pig. Unix was built FIRST for security and ease-of-use second. Windows was just the opposite. But with the ton of lipstick that Apple applied to Unix, they were able to take a rock-solid, iron-secure well-tested operating system infrastructure and make it elegant, slick, and simple. To me OS X is the better Linux.

If Microsoft would abandon their inherently insecure architecture and design a new system from scratch with security and reliability as their prime directive, I would go with it. But Windows 7 is going to have the same points of failure (the registry database) that all the other versions have... so it will still be necessary to run a full metal jacket of anti-malware applications.

The myth is that the Apple is not targeted because there aren't enough of them to make it a high-value venture for the hacker. Not true. It is damn hard to hack Unix. Believe me, in the land of hackers, there is a crown of immortality to the guy who can bring down millions of Apple machines with his virus or worm such that it makes the TV evening news (similar to what has happened with the Sasser Worm with Windows.)

For those who might want to try a Mac, go to an Apple store, sit down and play. You will know in ten minutes if you like it or not. Most do, some don't. No wrong answer because everyone is tired of computer OS wars these days... and with so much going to "the cloud," it makes little difference what you run... so long as you have a browser and a connection to the net.