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Can an independent Agent be termed because Sales Manager doesn't like him?

Any carrier should be able to stand up to a little professional scrutiny and take opportunity to silence the notions if untrue, by outwardly responding via the vehicle being used. i.e. For you Rick, they could have used your post as a platform to address WHY or WHAT it was that made you feel that way about them, or their product.

For legit beefs it gives them an opportunity to publicly correct and show their professionalism. For some knucklehead just sounding off, it shows their toothless argument has no merit. It hasnt happened to me just yet, but I dont have any problem calling a spade a spade... and thats what the beauty of being indy... there is ALWAYS another carrier...

Not really. That is ENTIRELY dependent on your market. In some areas, there may be only 1 or 2 major MA players. Not having one of them puts you at a serious disadvantage. The $$ earned from a producing agent means more to me than some bruised emotions.
Good question. If you've been in this business for any length of time, then you've been there. We've all been terminated at some point. I think the answer is "yes". I had the same thing happen to me several years ago. I was a successful field agent for the now defunct NASE selling health insurance to self-employeds and individuals. The managers were cutthroat crooked AHs and the whole thing was a big high pressure multi-level marketing scam. I worked in three states. My managers were even licensed in the neighboring state. We put up road signs on telephone poles. So when an agent from a neighboring division complained that I was working in "her" territory, she got her big boss involved and they fired ME ! I got this BS letter from the attorney for the company. They didn't even tell me it was coming. The bastard lawyer didn't even have the decency to sign the letter himself, his sec'y signed it. I was furious. Once I picked up the letter at the PO I immediately went to the office to confront my managers. They were both refaced. They knew all about but were too gutless to stick up for me. It was easier to go along with it than to stick their necks out. Cowards. I lost all my bonuses which I'd already earned, and awards for that year and a trip (return) to Hawaii, and stock, etc. I sued the company and got a small settlement. But yes, the way the contracts are written, they can fire you with or without cause. Other than sue them there's not much you can do. This business is awful. Just suck it up and move on. Good luck to you. Don't ever trust the companies. Just do your job and keep your head down.