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Cataract surgery plan G

Not on the topic of Medicare, but since some of you have experience with cataracts...My 3 month old was diagnosed with a congenital (birth defect) cataract in her right eye. She is going in this Friday to have it removed and they actually won't implant a lens until about 3 years old (if she can wait), so we'll be dealing with an infant in contacts until that time. When it does come time for the lens implant, is the upgraded lens worth it?
Not on the topic of Medicare, but since some of you have experience with cataracts...My 3 month old was diagnosed with a congenital (birth defect) cataract in her right eye. She is going in this Friday to have it removed and they actually won't implant a lens until about 3 years old (if she can wait), so we'll be dealing with an infant in contacts until that time. When it does come time for the lens implant, is the upgraded lens worth it?
Wow! Hope everything turns out all right for her.
Not on the topic of Medicare, but since some of you have experience with cataracts...My 3 month old was diagnosed with a congenital (birth defect) cataract in her right eye. She is going in this Friday to have it removed and they actually won't implant a lens until about 3 years old (if she can wait), so we'll be dealing with an infant in contacts until that time. When it does come time for the lens implant, is the upgraded lens worth it?

May depend on subseqwuent surgery requirements, but....

Among a multiftude of issues: Consider the classroom and vision handicaps.
Can't speak for Rick, but in my case I noticed first as my Rx was changing more than once per year. Started out -1.25 and within a couple of years was around -5.00. I'd get contacts and within a few months they seemed too weak and I'd go in and get a new Rx. It took the optometrist quite a while to finally diagnose cataracts.

I would not be having fun thoughts if that started happening to me and would most likely be relieved that it was cataracts
Kinda ruins your doctor out to get patient theory, doesn't it?

Get it right now. The Dr is out to get all the cash he can out of Medicare and he needs the patient to do it. I like it worded that way much better then the words you put into my mouth. Both these examples you have quoted show that there are many legitimate cases of people who have cataract problems. I do not in anyway argue that cataract surgery is often needed and should be paid by Medicare. The problem is the the Eye Drs are cross selling their patients who have come in to get new prescriptions for their glasses. This theory is not built upon the testimonies of a couple of people off the internet or a couple of my clients. It is built on the stories I hear day in and day out from hundreds of clients. 20 years ago I was not hearing these stories. I did not invent this trend I simply am reporting what I hear.
Don't you cross sell in your business? I do. :yes:

If you cross sell a medicare supplement client a final expense plan he has to pay for it with his own money. When the Eye Dr cross sells a cataract surgery the patient does not pay for it the Tax Payer pays for it. Its entitlement abuse being done not by the patient but the Dr. The Dr feels he is entitled to milk and work the system anyway he so sees fit for his own benefit. I don't see it that way. I see it as if the patient is fine and is not being bothered by the cataracts then leave them alone.

90 % of what is wrong with our health care system is the Drs and hospitals and drug companies are milking and abusing the system. The other 10% is the government and the peoples and the insurance companies fault. America may have a love affair with its Drs but I don't.
If you cross sell a medicare supplement client a final expense plan he has to pay for it with his own money. When the Eye Dr cross sells a cataract surgery the patient does not pay for it the Tax Payer pays for it. Its entitlement abuse being done not by the patient but the Dr. The Dr feels he is entitled to milk and work the system anyway he so sees fit for his own benefit. I don't see it that way. I see it as if the patient is fine and is not being bothered by the cataracts then leave them alone.

90 % of what is wrong with our health care system is the Drs and hospitals and drug companies are milking and abusing the system. The other 10% is the government and the peoples and the insurance companies fault. America may have a love affair with its Drs but I don't.
The Eye Dr. has to show that it's medically necessary for Medicare and the Med Supp to cover the surgery. I don't think there are as many unnecessary cataract surgeries as you seem to think. Over the years I can only think of one person that didn't tell me they could see better after the surgery.
I got a ton of stories. I could tell you about the client who in December who was getting her cataracts removed because the Dr was pushing it. Right on the table in the middle of the deal she had a heart attack. Heart stopped and they called the rescue squad and because it was a little town they had to drive her 200 miles to Kearney Nebraska where they put a pace maker in. Had another guy in December who had a heart attack in the middle of cataract surgery and was took by rescue squad 100 miles to Lincoln Nebraska where a defibrillator was put in. Had another client in January that had her cataracts removed at the Drs suggestion even though she was having no problems. She never wore glasses in her life but now has to after the surgery. She is a Certified Public Accountant who still works and now kills her to read and do her job. I could go on and on.
I got a ton of stories. I could tell you about the client who in December who was getting her cataracts removed because the Dr was pushing it. Right on the table in the middle of the deal she had a heart attack. Heart stopped and they called the rescue squad and because it was a little town they had to drive her 200 miles to Kearney Nebraska where they put a pace maker in. Had another guy in December who had a heart attack in the middle of cataract surgery and was took by rescue squad 100 miles to Lincoln Nebraska where a defibrillator was put in. Had another client in January that had her cataracts removed at the Drs suggestion even though she was having no problems. She never wore glasses in her life but now has to after the surgery. She is a Certified Public Accountant who still works and now kills her to read and do her job. I could go on and on.
I hear people complaining that the Eye Dr. WON'T do cataract surgery until they're "ripe".

Must be something in the corn. :twitchy:

I wouldn't call Kearney a big town, but I always had fun there. I got started in the biz in Lincoln. It was a good party town(in the early 70's, not sure about now). Those Cornhuskers like to party. :yes: