Christian Health Ministries

Why is that since it's not a sharing program? Youth for Christ (YFC) is a major US ministry and they love it to...

it is not insurance and guaranteed......and if is would call cigna direct to see if this is legit....thier name is all over this....I sell cigna....have not heard a word....
Thats the cool thing - it is traditional group insurance. Missio Benefits is a partially self-funded, group healthcare plan offered through Missio Nexus, the largest association of Great Commission organizations in North America. All large Christian employers in the US offer the same Partially Self-Funded Healthcare funding structure to their employees (Focus on the Family, Compassion International, The Navigators, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Samaritans Purse, CRU, etc). Missio just provides access to this model for the average Church or ministry that doesn't have 500+ employees. Cigna is Missio's Med/Rx TPA and the program utilizes Cigna's Open Access Plus (OAP) national network. As such it combines biblical values with actual, traditional healthcare insurance - check it out brother.
Thats the cool thing - it is traditional group insurance. Missio Benefits is a partially self-funded, group healthcare plan offered through Missio Nexus, the largest association of Great Commission organizations in North America. All large Christian employers in the US offer the same Partially Self-Funded Healthcare funding structure to their employees (Focus on the Family, Compassion International, The Navigators, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Samaritans Purse, CRU, etc). Missio just provides access to this model for the average Church or ministry that doesn't have 500+ employees. Cigna is Missio's Med/Rx TPA and the program utilizes Cigna's Open Access Plus (OAP) national network. As such it combines biblical values with actual, traditional healthcare insurance - check it out brother.
Its an ASO account for Cigna (not fully-insured as you are referencing). As such the local Cigna team would have no idea it exist, which would be normal for ASO accounts. Cigna is one of the largest self-funded/ASO healthcare administrators in the world. If you don't believe me feel free to click on this link and you can download all of Cigna's summary plan documents yourself as well as check out the rates... Plans & Pricing - Missio Benefits
Run away....hard...and fast......
Stibroker...why do you say run away? What am I missing? I have been involved with a few of these type programs over the years, including building 2 in the last 8 years, which are still operating and delivering good results.
self-funded....just as big claim could wipe out the trust.....and you have to be a employee to get a group plan...this stinks and would not sell it.....
self-funded....just as big claim could wipe out the trust.....and you have to be a employee to get a group plan...this stinks and would not sell it.....

Do you have a background in self-funding? I have been doing it since 1982 and do not believe the same as you. Today in the US, over 60% of people are in a self-Funded plan.
No offense meant here but the reality is that just about every large employer in America offers a self-funded healthcare program... in fact I would challenge you to find an employer with over 1,000 employees that ISN'T self-funded. They leverage a self-funded model as it is a better mousetrap my friend. Why would almost all of them choose to go that direction if it was "worse"?
yea....but they are employees....not random bible thumpers who want to sign up.....