Contact Us ?

You can even do this with a baby account from hostgator. I have a discount code at Hostgator Discount where you can get started for a penny. Just need that and a domain (they're like $6 for .orgs at or you can get them anywhere you like). Unlimited domains, unlimited bandiwdth, etc. After that it's $4/month for a year and $5/month after the first year. I know a number of folks including myself have had a great experience with hostgator.

I'm gonna have to thank you for turning me on to the Gator's reseller program. Building a stream of income is nice.
What is a plug-in? Just curious. I am not a techie.

It let's users add functionality to a site without having to pay a coder to do it. The plugins referenced are for WordPress, but they exist for other similar platforms.
What is a plug-in? Just curious. I am not a techie.

A simple way to describe it is that it is like computer software for your website.

I have a security "plugin" that puts a firewall up on my site (among other things).
It is nothing but computer code that is added to my site. It "plugs in" to my site (injects the code properly) in one click. Then you simply go to your CMS admin panel and adjust the settings to where you want them. (it will add a new section to your admin panel usually)

Its just like adding a program to your home computer for the most part. Except its just a program for your website.

There are plugins that add contact forms, or help with security, or help with Search Engine Optimization, or help with visual aspects of the site, etc. etc. etc.
It let's users add functionality to a site without having to pay a coder to do it. The plugins referenced are for WordPress, but they exist for other similar platforms.

Josh, I miss your little dancing critter.
I also miss Arnguy's kitten patting the ducky.

Two classics.
For reference, the "mail links opening in outlook" is because your computer is set to that, not because the web designer chose to use outlook. We can't choose what you use to open our links.

It's called a "mailto" protocol, and will use whatever the user designated for that protocol.

Click Start>Default Programs (if you're on Win7. If you're on XP, It's control panel>default programs), scroll to "protocols", find "mailto" and change it to whatever you want.

That said, I'd still always recommend a "form" type contact-us. I've personally seen better results with it, and it's almost universally accepted as more user friendly. The less info you ask for, the more likely they are to actually use it. (Name, Email, Question is generally the least you need. Anything more, they question why you need it and wander off to videos of puppies snoring or whatever is popular today).
For reference, the "mail links opening in outlook" is because your computer is set to that, not because the web designer chose to use outlook. We can't choose what you use to open our links.

It's called a "mailto" protocol, and will use whatever the user designated for that protocol.

Click Start>Default Programs (if you're on Win7. If you're on XP, It's control panel>default programs), scroll to "protocols", find "mailto" and change it to whatever you want.

I think most who are halfway computer literate are aware of this.
But when you use a browser based email such as Gmail (which almost everyone does these days), that doesnt help.
Halfway computer literate people install a google toolbar on IE (which they don't use, because they're computer literate and use a real browser) and tie the "mailto" protocol to the "gmail notifier" that gets installed.

Voila, mailto links open a new tab in your browser of choice and automatically loads gmail, creating a new message to the correct location so long as you're logged in.

Similar procedures work for every webmail client...Similar procedures also work on almost all smartphones, MAC, Linux, etc.

As a techie, 99.9% of people who are "computer literate" don't know enough about computers to figure out that they don't know a thing about computers.