Daily Cold Call Stats

35 calls
3 renewal dates
1 appt(35 lives)

What are your intentions with the renewal dates? When and how will you follow-up at renewal time? Although it is great to have X-Date, and I have over 1000 in my system, IMO it is much more important to get the name of the decision maker. If I get that I consider my call a success and all other items like an appointment, x-dates, etc. are extra credit.
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How's things? Are the stats still holding up, it'd be good to see another post on your weeks activity

Hi Garf,

I've been really busy with renewals and new business. Plus this site can be pretty negative and I try to keep that stuff away from me as much as possible. As far as stats go, I continue to make 15-20 calls every day. Sometimes more and only to C-Level people with 50 or more employees. I did some quick math from my calling sheets and for 2014 I made 1421 calls so far, spoke with 128, and set 47 appts. Quoted on 17 and closed 6 for a total of about $102k in new commissions. These are annualized based on current enrollment but could come in higher or lower depending on if these groups add or delete people. Overall its been a good start to the year. I am a little below my goal right now but the last quarter will be the true test. Hopefully it will be a good year at the end. Best of luck with your calls!
This is a great site. Im a health insurance broker in NJ and about to get started cold calling my butt off again trying to build my book before the end of the year. Would anyone like share all your daily or weekly cold calling efforts? Just thinking we could support each other and be that extra pump to help get everyone to that next level. Anyone in??? I'll definitely post all my efforts!

I'm in. Let's start Monday. It'd be cool if we could create some sort of competition.
I like this thread. Since I've been working on my own now for about four years, I've found myself in a "slump" (I worked for 6 yrs prior in a fantastic company as far as camaraderie went, but not enough commissions, so bailed and went out on my own).

I should add that I moved and became engaged, and slowed way down with working. I had a lot less bills, which I think made me get a little lazy, and developed very poor habits (watching tv, going to the casino nearby (yikes)unfortunately, and the longer I stayed away from prospecting, the harder it was to get going again.

I used to get most my biz from CC, and managed to get quite a bit (was making about @25k a quarter with health insurance and cross selling). I'm doing nothing near that now. -___-

With that said, I am getting back into it, writing my goals down and trying to reach them daily. Today, though, I was slow to keep going at it. I did make 20 calls right away at 10pm, the second call gave me a solid appointment, if closed will net me a minimum of $249 ish. That would be a small acci-flex Assurity plan, and I am also hoping to put his wife on critical illness (he doesn't qualify) which would bring another $250ish. I know, I know, it's not a done deal until it's issued. I've done this long enough though to know when I've basically sold the deal on the phone. Lay down deal...:)

Yesterday I closed two Assurity CI plans face to face, which were from CCs last week (out of about 40 Cold Calls). $101 in premium, between the wife and hubby, it is already in underwriting and a clean app. This appt will bring in $545ish (9 month advance), the rest as earned, then 10%.

Today I also took a break after the first 20, then went back at it for about another 50 or so dials. Not as much luck, but did manage to get some warm interest going. Going to walk and talk into some of the places I called tomorrow where people were receptive, since they are nearby, and introduce myself.

I know the stats, 100 calls should bring in 2 appts...or for every 20 people you talk to 2 appts.

Anyway, hope it's acceptable for me to just jump on in...I love to hear of others' cold calling days. It's Motivational!!!!. I am hoping to get my MOJO back up to making 200 calls every Monday, at the very least. And, the goal is 4 new clients per week. Should be doable.