Difference Between MA and Med Sup

In Mi age 65 Plan F is right around 126 both male or female, doesn't matter what zip code Their Plan N is $80 a month...their not 60-70% higher than other companies, in my state anyways....it looks like the same rates in KY JD Easy, how is that 60-70% higher, I know you don't like Humana but you shouldn't lump UHC med supps in with the debil

AARP and UHC are just as guilty of hate crimes against the independent agent as Humana. So, I think JD should be lumping them together. AARP and UHC spent lots of money trying to make sure that you and I lose our way of making a living. A pox on both their houses! I will bounce EVERY one of their policies I find. Not hard to do anyway.