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Does Anybody Mail for FE....


without income parameters on their data? I'm really wondering how accurate/inaccurate the income is seeing as no-one really knows how much someone makes besides the irs. Thoughts?
i don't use direct mail for FE. I use a dialer. but I specify income parameters when I order my lists, 15-30k.
The trick is to compile the data using other filters as well. The income filter itself is fairly unreliable, but if you use it along with other filters you can get a much more accurate list. Most folks botch up modeling their lists because they don't know how the data is sourced and how to compile a decent targeted list.

Not that I have opinions on such things or compile data for folks.
The trick is to compile the data using other filters as well. The income filter itself is fairly unreliable, but if you use it along with other filters you can get a much more accurate list. Most folks botch up modeling their lists because they don't know how the data is sourced and how to compile a decent targeted list.

Not that I have opinions on such things or compile data for folks.

You got any data for people looking for FE policies? I would also like them within walking distance from my house. :twitchy:

No but seriously, what are these parameters you recommend? Also, hope you are doing well.........been a while since we spoke.
You got any data for people looking for FE policies? I would also like them within walking distance from my house. :twitchy:

Yes, but not within walking distance of your house, but props for asking.

No but seriously, what are these parameters you recommend?

Depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Some folks can't stand the idea of sticking to the table and watching bugs move while they're writing FE business (which makes me wonder what they think the FE industry is, but that's another conversation).

Income itself is self-reported. In the event someone doesn't report their income the default value is zero. With the lists I get compiled (yes, shameless plug) we are more likely to blend income (or flatly ignore it). One filter that is fairly accurate is the address of folks and often times going through by zip code rather than income can give you a more accurate list for your target market. For example, I wanted a list of dual-eligibles so I used the $15k and below income select and what ended up happening was I had a list that included hundreds of folks in a small, but wealthy city. Just for grins and giggles I drove by a few of the houses and there was no chance in hell those folks were paying $600+/month in property taxes alone and on Medicaid, just not possible. It works in reverse too. There are other filters that can be used to compile a more accurate list, but you should contact your favorite list broker to learn more about that!

Also, hope you are doing well.........been a while since we spoke.

It has been a while, too long in fact. I did a test on a life insurance campaign that has been working out better than expected so I've been too tied up with that to get started on the project we discussed, but that is still on my radar within the next 6 months or so. If you don't hear from me about it in the next few months shoot me an e-mail/PM.
None of the FE mailhouses use an income filter, EFES, Securus, NAA, LH, etc.

If you do your own mailers you can filter for income.
None of the FE mailhouses use an income filter, EFES, Securus, NAA, LH, etc.

If you do your own mailers you can filter for income.

Most, if not all FE mailhouses filter by income (they can only estimate this value), age, PO Boxes vs street addresses, gender, etc. I can't speak for EFES, Securus, NAA though.
Most, if not all FE mailhouses filter by income (they can only estimate this value), age, PO Boxes vs street addresses, gender, etc.

No, thye don't. LH will tell people that they do a $15000 minimum, but you still get 80% of people on Medicaid. EFES will tell you that they do not use an income filter.

But, the filtering is pretty bad for income anyway. I've done my own mailers with and without an income filter. The response was much less with the higher income, but, better leads. However, they were not enough better to make up for the lower response.
When you guys say you do your own mailers, do you mean you design the mailer, mail it to the specific address/prospect, ect. ect.

Just what is involved with doing your own mailer? :GEEK:

Seems like it would expensive to do. The price of a stamp is like forty some cents now or something (I just buy them).

Monumental will do a 1,000 mailers for like $275 I think. So if a stamp costs that much, how do they do it for that cheap or for that price? Do they get a bulk mail discount or something?

There are several questions within my posts BTW if one of you smart fellers would like to dissect it and answer or splain it to me, that would be great.