Florida coastal HO & DF markets


New Member
Anyone know of any MGA's/Brokers that have good markets for coastal homeowners and dwelling fire in Florida? I'm mainly talking the panhandle area and not down as far south as Miami. I've used Burns & Wilcox, SIU, and Appalachian Underwriters but nearly all of their markets are excluding wind all together. Any advice is appreciated.
@jhair - my experience writing hard to write California risks is that you are not likely going to find someone that has the answer to this and publicly tell you it - online.

I have had to hunt and peck to find the insurers that I have and every two years things change. Id encourage to reach out to the MGAs and Insurers and get them on the phone. Many of them will be more "honest" on the phone than over email about that which they make take, what the will, and the terms.

In addition just because one MGA says that one insurer will do "X" does not necessarily mean that insurer will do "X" with another MGA. In other words you might get vastly different answers.

Consider trying My New Markets to start with.