Free Sample Data Provided By Ramiz Hakim

Hakim appears to be nice. I'm not sure what his problem is and why he cannot deliver what he promises. We placed an order with him back in December for 100+ leads. He took over $3,000 from our Visa. After we reversed the charges he had his brother Tony call us and apologize. They sent a new letter in writing that they would make it right. We dropped the charges and placed a new order with him.
Anyone know the saying:
You screw me ONCE - shame on you!
You screw me TWICE - shame on me!


They had over $6,000.00 of our money. As of this date we only got 1/2 of it back. Ramiz promised this week that he would send me a letter stating that the bank can release the money back to me and we never received it.

After I emailed him several times he threatened to sue me for everything in the book along with putting hits on my Vector. What a nut case.

Is that possible to do that to your enemy?
Especially when he owes me the money!

If anyone wants to do business with Hakim contact me and I'll show you (through webinar) my bank statement along with all of the emails back and forth that we've had.

I would never do business with another guy like him.

I'm to blame for being a softy when they called me back.

Oh well -what goes around - comes around.

AND I'm waiting on that lawsuit Mr. Hakim because this is only the beginnning. Wait until I file a complaint against your organization for your telemarketers lying to potential clients stating that our life insurance policies have cash value from the first day!

From a mad burnt customer of Hakim!