GOP "Delay Individual Mandate"

Isn't Tobacco the only ratable health "condition" in the overall ACA? So that means CA will have NO RATINGS WHATSOEVER related to the human body's condition, or habits?

Correct. The community rating factors for IFP and Small Group are:
Smoking Status
Family composition​

Some notable prohibited factors are:
Health Status
Applicable to small groups notable prohibited factors are:
Claims Experience
Group Size​

It doesn't work like that, subsidies are based on non-tobacco rates-if you smoke, you pay the entire extra premium out of pocket. It's explained on the Kaiser Subsidy/Premium calculator
Correct. Subsidies are based on the non-tobacco premium.

I'm curious if you could waive out of the mandate due to actual rates being "unaffordable" or if it's only off the base rate.
Interesting. I don't know. Does anyone else?

By being over 8% of their income, they are catastrophic plan eligible, right?
Yes, you are right (again!).
Stuy119: By being over 8% of their income, they are catastrophic plan eligible, right?
Birthday Girl: Yes, you are right (again!).

Only those under age 30 can get the catastrophic plan, and there is no subsidy from Uncle Sam available to help pay for it. Si?
Stuy119: By being over 8% of their income, they are catastrophic plan eligible, right?
Birthday Girl: Yes, you are right (again!).

Only those under age 30 can get the catastrophic plan, and there is no subsidy from Uncle Sam available to help pay for it. Si?

No. If it's over 8% of income, ANYONE becomes able to purchase the catastrophic plan.
Stuy119 is correct. It's not just for the young 'uns.

Yet in any case there is no subsidy allowed on the catastrophic plan.
I'm trying to find a scenario in the KFF calculator where someone over age 29 would be eligible for, and want to buy, the non-subsidy-eligible Catastrophic plan.

Can't find such a scenario. Any ideas off the top of anyone's head? If not, don't worry. We won't be working this demographic (whatever that is) anyway. Was just curious.
I'm trying to find a scenario in the KFF calculator where someone over age 29 would be eligible for, and want to buy, the non-subsidy-eligible Catastrophic plan.

Can't find such a scenario. Any ideas off the top of anyone's head? If not, don't worry. We won't be working this demographic (whatever that is) anyway. Was just curious.

What are the rates? When we know that it should be much more clear.
House just voted and passed a bill to legally delay the employer mandate with 35 dems voting for it.

They also voted and passed a bill to delay the individual mandate with 22 dems voting for it.

Now it goes to the senate to die, and if it lives, it will be vetoed by our president.
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Here's an article:
House votes to delay parts of health care law | BenefitsPro

Along party lines my arse. Many dems voted for it (about 20%)
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