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Have You Ever Almost Lost It with a Client?

Fired a few clients, not many, but a few. Feels damn good to do so.

Probably cut a prospect or two per week off at the legs.

I do feel bad about that because I know they won't get the same level of service anywhere else but they don't need to tell me why my industry sucks and the govt needs to fix it then turn around and ask me to help them.
Drove an hour yesterday to see husband and wife. Pre-qualified for health, etc., she says "no complications from diabetes".

When I get there, she is limping around. I ask whats wrong with your foot? She says just "a little diabetic neuropathy".

She says she ought to be able to get coverage, why is this a problem?

The husband is sitting there with lap top and reading as I'm talking. Acting like he is looking up things as I talk. Then says he has about 40 or so questions for me, lol, from his "guide" on what to ask an agent. I humor him for a few questions. They say I'm not specific enough.

I say, she can't get coverage. Husband might, shall we go on?

They are rolling their eyes at me and shaking their heads. They tell me I sure am sensitive for a sales person. They also really dislike sales people, yadda, yadda, yadda. I tell her I've done ok for the last 15 years being sensitive as I am.

I tell them I will now leave and make my hour drive back home. They roll their eyes again and say "Oh thats your problem"! We also prefer to work with our local agent.

I tell them I feel they are rude and I get up and walk out as they mumble about me in background, lol.
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Before I even read the post, let me respond:

Just give 'em hell! They deserve it!
Thats okay, you probably already have carpel tunnel. Go ahead and start typing.... on second thought, I have the same stories....

It's an interesting world out there sometimes.....

Mine was listening to the man of the house say he made all the decisions and his wife wasn't needed to be at the presentations. After spending time presenting and answering questions he says he has to talk it over with his wife.. Never again...
I had a sales manager that would use the "Boiler Room" card in this situation....the line where the salesman responds to this roadblock by saying, "Mr./Mrs. Doe, do you have to call your wife/husband when you're at the hardware store/grocery store and you want to by some _______?" I've seen this piss off a few, but indirectly attacking someone's ego, especially a guy's, sometimes works.
I had a great presentation for a group of about 45 lives, way back when I had only 1 group on the books. Company was self-administering an HRA with no regard to ensure it was compliant, either from a tax or HIPAA standpoint. The plan was a $500 deductible PPO, with the first $250 of it being reimbursed. Just a nonsensical plan to begin with.

Meeting goes well, we discuss the renewal options, look over the census, etc. After leaving their office, I realize that if we move to HSA plans, increase the amount of the reimbursable dollars to cover the premium difference, they can save roughly $1,000 monthly, no small amount of change. During our follow-up meeting to set up the enrollment, I mention this to the owner. Guy says that I'm a used car salesman (was a car dealership), and that I'm trying to milk him.

I give him a sarcastic look, ask how him paying a lower amount makes me a used car salesman, then walk out the door before he can answer, saying "I don't want to be lumped in with you, and I can tell you're going to be a hassle now AND down the road."

From what I found out down the road from the agent who did write the account, there was 10 people being paid under the table who were on the plan. Other than a good payday, I'm not sure why you would put your license on the line to forge a Wage & Tax form like that.
If you can have a product or a service that only you can offer ... something that everybody with money wants ... something for which these buggers will be calling you everyday asking you to take their money and you tell them "Let me think about it for a few days" ...

that's all you need ... I've been thinking ... :)
Commercial GC that I had worked on three years in a row for GL, IM, Auto and WC. I come through with a great quote through Zurich. He tried to BOR it over to his current agent after committing to me that he was willing to leave his agent. It was within 10 days of his renewal so Zurich would not let him have the quote. He called up demanding I release the quote. I called him a lying coward and told him if he came over to the office to beg for it in person I would release it. He chickened out and had his controller call me up to bind coverage with us. I have had him 5 years and have not spoken to him since, the controller just keeps renewing with us. It was about $300k in premium at first but is down to $130k now. Very strange situation.